Your Horoscope For Aries Season 2024, The Astrological New Year & Spring Equinox

Spring is here, introducing a refreshing quickness to awaken you from your Pisces season slumber. From March 19/20 to April 19, the Sun transits daring and determined Aries – the first archetype of the zodiac – marking the energetically in-tune New Year celebration. Overflowing with confidence, you will stand in your in power this season – unafraid, unashamed, and uninfluenced by the other’s journeys. Be true to yourself and your way. Honor your authentic design by being wholeheartedly yourself in every moment – your best, highest, and enlightened self.

As cardinal month ruled by Mars, Aries season feeds your spontaneity and urgency. This action-inspired chapter is a time for initiation, heroism, bravery, and leadership. However, you may feel more restrained this season as the universe delivers opportunities to deepen your awareness of your explosive reactions. Use your energy intentionally by moving slower and refraining from jumping to conclusions. Ensure that you are flowing with the gentle winds of your intuition (instinct sourced from a higher awareness) rather than the reckless storms of your triggers and fear-based instincts. 

What can I expect in Aries season?

You may find yourself in spaces of hesitance and internal conflict as this Aries season delivers less vigor and assertion. Action-ruling Mars – the governing planet of the season – is treading through sensitive Pisces from March 22, forcing you to brave the anxiety of meeting challenges head-on.

Coming into your strength will allow space for the examination of your relationships and attachments under the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25. The cosmic emphasis is on self-renewal and doing what’s hard to be more loving toward yourself. Allow yourself space and time to examine your thoughts before you react to your triggers from April 1 to April 25 while mindset-planet Mercury retrogrades through fierce Aries.

Opportunities will emerge to rewire your approach to conflict and break down the glare of your ego that intensifies combative and competitive interactions. As the Sun burns bright in the presence of the lunar north node on April 4, fortune will favor the fearless and self-reliant, not those waiting for magic to occur without their cooperation.

Courageously expressing your burning desires and affections – no matter how raw and messy – will leave you feeling empowered and free as Venus blazes through Aries from April 5. The final chapter of eclipse season aligns on April 8, under the passionate and untamed Aries solar eclipse. This is your moment to shine solo – to stand in your authentic light and claim what you deserve.

Unravel every hidden layer of selfishness that leads you to assert savage opinions as the Sun bonds with Mercury retrograde on April 11. The heat of the moment will teach you much about yourself and others.

Read on, using your rising sign, for more guidance on how you will experience this upcoming season. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Do not mask the experience of feeling by rushing to take action. It is within these emotional containers that clear direction and intuitive wisdom are spoken. Profound realizations around your ability to maintain healthy unions will inspire you to remedy what was said and done under the guise of your wounded ego. Let your compassion and self-love heal every wound that aggravates your fear, temper, and insecurities.


Call peace and harmony back into your world. Observe the stubborn psychological attachments that keep you acting out of a false sense of obligation. Survey the depths of your being and excavate the assumptions that are comfortable to cling to yet destructive to your mental and spiritual wellness. End the cycle of drawing comparisons between yourself and others or engaging in unconscious battles and competitions by recognizing you are in a league of your own.


Others are not seeing you in your authentic light but a glimmer of your essence through the lens of their projections. Remember this when faced with an audience, and the temptation builds to seek their approval. Even your most heart-aligned actions and intentions will not be understood by those who are not in alignment with you. Free yourself from your instinct to compromise your desires and affirm that you deserve your wildest dreams.


Your intuitive awareness is sharpening, alerting you to new adventures and ideas to explore. Enjoy the process of evolving and becoming – of blooming in your fullest capacity as you give your whole heart to passion projects and new career ambitions. Take a deep breath and embody the highest expression of your energy when your sensitivity is triggered. It will be difficult to sway those with an unforgiving heart if you engage in public outbursts.


Discover the deepest roots of your pride, fear, shame, or embarrassment that prevent you from putting yourself at risk of failing or owning up to your mistakes. Liberate yourself from your desire to always be right in your decisions and actions and offer yourself the grace to be a raw and imperfect human. Adjusting to a carefree attitude will allow you to break new ground and expand beyond what you thought possible.


To become inspired by challenges is a conscious decision and the better alternative to allowing obstacles to demotivate you. Fall in love with the highs and lows of your journey and the wisdom gathered through the full spectrum of your human experience. Develop strength to ask for what you need directly rather than telepathically communicating and hoping others see and hear you. Your satisfaction will multiply when you are courageous in your vulnerability.


Before you can align with your greatest dreams, you must allow everything that is not in resonance with your heart’s desires to turn to ash. Your inspiration lights the way, revealing where you must remodel your routines and priorities to allow space to express your freedom and magnetism. More fulfilling connections in which you can explore your independent journey alongside conscious, passionate, and devoted lovers and friends await. Do not settle.


Do not deny the subconscious attachments that prevent you from practicing acceptance and forgiveness. Give your full awareness to your unhealed areas and allow your yearning for peace to inspire you to let go of the past. Sympathy and healthy, assertive boundaries will soothe disagreements more effectively than aggression or arrogance. Refrain from condemning others as you ease tensions and heated debates.


Even when others pour negativity into the world, or into you, you must choose to moderate your expression and meet life through a higher awareness. Commit yourself to fully expressing your freedom and joy, trusting that the wrong friendships, communities, and dreams will falter away as you come into your power. This is not a loss – it is a blessing. It’s time to stop building other’s aspirations and focus on birthing your own creations.


Your only assignment is to nurture your inner being. To rediscover who you are at the core, untethered from the perception that your experiences have burnt your capacity for greatness. Any goal pursued in the unconscious interest of bringing ease to others' lives at the expense of your peace must be dismantled. When you are ready to begin again, commit yourself fully to doing things your way – your ancestors will breathe a sigh of relief when you do.


Reminders of what it means to be truly alive are entering your mind, asking you to bring balance to your reality. Let the fearless energy of Aries season saturate your spirit and cut through your mental barriers and fears. Allow tests of courage and patience to bring out the best in you and tame the brash reactions that are a manifestation of your unrealized pain. A healthy 'me-first' attitude will help you draw in the miracles you rightfully deserve.


When you find yourself aching for connection, know that true love does not come from external experiences and what others can give you. Look deeper within your heart and soul and realize that all along, you have been ‘the one’ you are searching for. Shower yourself in affection as you cater to your every need in Aries season. Stop measuring your worth and value against your romantic history and how others have treated you.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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