The Blue Moon in Taurus 2020 Is The Perfect Time To Manifest Wealth

The long-awaited full moon in Taurus has finally arrived, and this lunation will be a Blue Moon

Blue moons occur when there are two full moons in one lunar calendar month. The second of the two full moons is nicknamed a blue moon — so no, the Moon won't actually be blue. Blue moons carry the same regenerative and healing energy as regular full moons. However, this full moon in Taurus will be particularly chaotic and push you toward extreme transformation as it aligns next to Uranus — the planet of wildly unpredictable change.

Expect huge financial changes

Emotions and impulses are intensified during the full moon phase, so brace yourself for sudden fluctuations in your income. Thankfully, these financial changes may be more positive than challenges as the full moon aligns in Taurus — the zodiac sign where the moon is most powerful. Taurus energy is security-driven, so expect sudden changes or endings concerning your finances, values, resources, and self-esteem. This could manifest in a mental breakthrough that inspires you to handle your finances and resources differently, a deeper awareness of your values which makes it easier to budget, or a sudden financial increase or raise.

How to work with this full moon

Full moons are a great time to resolve problems, celebrate your achievements, and express gratitude. Make the most of this energy by manifesting financial growth or the material items you're hoping to acquire. Be patient and open to change as things shift in your routine and chapters end in your work life. This might be more difficult if you're a stubborn Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, as this lunation will test your flexibility and call you to instill faith in the unknown and trust in the universe. The Taurus energy of this full moon will increase your interest in self-care rituals and practices. Burn candles, indulge in face masks, bath salts, and essential oils, and embrace this feel-good energy.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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