Cancer 2024 Horoscope: Love Yourself Through The Highs & Lows

Honor the transformation of your goals and objectives by releasing your dreams that are no longer heart-aligned. Letting one path go to embrace another is not a signal of failure. Your ability to adapt and readjust speaks to your profound capacity to trust the universe’s guidance when you have strayed from your purpose. As powerhouse Pluto brings its regenerative energy to new realms, prepare to activate your healing and psychic powers by breaking down everything built under the guidance of others’ truths and against your better judgment. Overcoming your compulsive patterns and obsessions that prevent you from healing your deepest trauma will usher you through the liberating transition of losing yourself to find yourself again.

Review the intentions behind your career pursuits in April. Whatever you are striving toward in external realms, make sure you are conscious of your motivations. Move away from whatever gives power to your self-judgment and insecurities, and strengthen the intuitive channels that connect you to the highest power. The first eclipse season of the year arrives to activate your independence. Remember how freedom tastes as you trailblaze toward your biggest ambitions, letting the wind whip against your skin, cleansing away external pressures.

The time will come when you lose touch with your faith and have to brave the shadows of uncertainty. Trust that you will find your way back to the universe’s embrace. Jupiter in Gemini will remind you that your angels are always with you, even when you do not feel their touch or see their light. Believe that there are invisible, protective hands guiding you through the darkness. Get acquainted with your fears, and you will realize how they influence you to make poor judgments that interfere with your successes.

Summer brings confusing chapters that fuel your fears of making the wrong move. Reconsider where you have instilled too much reliance on your material surroundings to gain a sense of security. Nourish your soul through acts of kindness and generosity to yourself and others. You will realize your developing worries have prevented you from accurately listening to your intuitive voice in September. The Pisces lunar eclipse is an opportunity to sharpen your spiritual senses and reconnect to the truth.

You are entering new realms of peace and fulfillment in autumn. However, this transition will not occur without the conscious release of co-dependent attachments that fuel your yearning to please everyone before yourself. Guided to reflect on your wellness habits and lifestyle patterns, you will spend the winter season reorienting your values, remembering your eternal worth, and forgiving yourself for your unwise financial decisions.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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