Your Cancer Season & Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope

Summer solstice and Cancer season 2023 arrives on June 21. Allow the expansion of light to flood your inner being as the Sun — the planet of self, ego, and consciousness — journey’s into the tender-loving water sign, Cancer. Marked by the northern hemisphere of the Earth’s maximum tilt toward the Sun, this solstice signifies the beginning of a new season on Earth: Summer. Light has officially overtaken the darkness, leading to longer and brighter days. But from this point onward, the days will begin to grow shorter until the hours of light are equal to the hours of darkness on the Autumnal equinox (Libra season).

Reconnect to your emotional body

This Earth season heralds the second quarter of the zodiacal year, initiated by the month of cardinal Cancer, which calls you to reconnect to your emotional energy. Cancer season (which ends on July 22 or July 23, 2023) is ruled by the Moon — the planet of emotional receptivity, instinctual patterns, and the feminine principle within you. Naturally, you will feel more reflective, compassionate, and calm during this pivotal time of year as you refamiliarize yourself with your inner waters. Be humble and kind this season. Deepen your self-understanding through gentle explorations of your experiences without becoming emotionally bound to the memories of your past. Embrace your emotional fluctuations without guilt or shame, and take responsibility for the projection of your sensitivity.

Depending on your rising sign, this upcoming season will have a unique impact on your life. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Follow the call to reconnect to your roots on this divine solstice. The universe urges you to tend to the connections with people who feel at home — pick up the phone, initiate long and reassuring hugs, and tell people that you love them. Changes in your life this season will illuminate the importance of quiet time, comfort, and solitude. Cultivate peace by tending to your private life.


Perceive other human’s behavior through a lens of compassion, and you will soothe rifts and misunderstandings with ease this season. You may need to take attention away from yourself to remember the equal importance of others’ emotional experiences. Prepare to break through your outer shell to speak up about your feelings rather than unconsciously projecting them onto others.


Pay attention to your subconscious instincts, Gemini. In an effort to feel safe in your actions and confident in who you are, you may cling to your belongings and become emotionally dependent on resources and connections. This could foster an unhealthy perception of security and worthiness. Understand that taking care of yourself doesn’t mean hoarding personal goods or cutting yourself off from spending, and that what you have doesn't dictate who you are. Harness the soothing energy of Cancer season to explore your fears of change and loss.


The Sun lights up your sense of being, inspiring you to align your body, mind, and spirit. With your energetic balance restored, your outlook on life will sharpen, and you’ll ease into a deep state of presence. Go deep within yourself to unlock profound levels of self-acceptance that empower you to be your true self. Indulge in self-care practices and rituals that facilitate your personal growth and evolution.


Give more attention to your mental and psychological health this Cancer season. The deep inner feelings and fears etched in the shadows of your subconscious mind will begin to peak through the cracks, allowing you to self-reflect, offer yourself compassion, and make the best decisions that don’t go against your best interests. Explore your instinctive reactions with conscious awareness of what you’re running away from.


Feedback can be painful to receive, so it’s essential that you ask the right people for guidance (not strangers on the internet) and do so from a place of neutrality. When you know who you are, you won’t take things so personally, and you’ll be able to transmute feedback into a higher understanding. Turn to your friends and networks who share your goals and visions; their support will encourage your strength.


Cancer season brings opportunities to be intentional about the way in which you live your destiny. You may embody a quiet shyness in public spaces as you take extra care to ensure that your frequency speaks louder than your words. It’s important to lead with grace, but you mustn’t get caught up in trying to control your reputation or manipulate the ways in which others perceive you. Trust that so long as you’re in your power, other empowered people will see the real you.


Scorpio, you must live in truth this season. What you feel isn’t always reality, and through your deep interest and desire to understand others and the world around you, beware of projecting your ideals and calling it intuition. Seek comfort in your personal philosophies and spiritual practice this season. Return home to your beliefs and embody them through intentional living and being.


Harness the humble power of Cancer season to untether yourself from the past. Your inner needs require your full attention so that you can build emotional resilience and soothe the echoes of your trauma. This is a great month to seek therapy or the tools you need to break through the walls of your fears, hyper-sensitivity, or tenacious instincts. Listen to the callings of your heart: what are you currently healing from?


This season presents opportunities to be courageously vulnerable and soften in the embrace of those who want to support you. Through the mirror of your partnerships, you will deepen your understanding of yourself. Allow your lover, best friend, business partner, and even your enemy to be your greatest teachers. Acknowledge their encouragement and feedback as a loving act of service to you and your growth.


The state of your inner being determines the way in which you interact with the world. Rather than seeing disruptions to your routine or inability to meet your responsibilities as a fault on your part, hear the call from Cancer season to tend to your health and well-being to maximize your progress. Be wary of the mindless and unconscious patterns of consumption that develop out of boredom or sadness.


Make space for creativity and play to help you process your deeper feelings. By expressing yourself authentically and amusing your inner child, you’ll tap into deep levels of joy that cannot be taken away from you. Sing, dance, and create, Pisces. When you live through the radiant channel of your heart, you’ll attract warm and kind people who elevate the love that you already feel inside.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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