The Emotional Full Moon In Cancer, 2023 Brings Family Feuds & Silver Linings

If there is one skill you must harness to encourage tensions under the Cancerian full moon to dissipate, it’s your ability to find the silver lining. Carry this with you as the last full moon in 2023 delivers moments for closure and expansion. On December 26, the Moon in its home turf, Cancer, opposes the Sun in responsible Capricorn, forming a dramatic balancing act that is signature to the full moon lunar phase. Saturated in holiday spirit, you will have no trouble reflecting on your most fulfilling achievements with an appreciative outlook and addressing ancestral karmic patterns.

The emphasis is on family, connection, and domesticity under this comfort-loving full moon. Yet, your desire to bring people together is disturbed by Mercury retrograde and Mars. A favorable alignment between the Moon and lucky Jupiter stirs your contentment and gratitude. Meanwhile, boundary-loving Saturn collaborates with the Moon to encourage boundary-setting and taking accountability for your feelings. As you battle other people’s judgment and misguided ideas, look behind their words and delivery to see the true feelings that emanate from their spirit.

The spiritual meaning of the full moon

The full moon is an omen to endings, closure, and celebrations. Its illumination mirrors feelings coming to light and opportunities for reflection and relationship developments. When the full moon magic takes on the calming Cancerian qualities, you are deeply moved by your emotions to initiate the end of a chapter in your life. As the natural ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon feels deeply comfortable and at peace here, where it is free to roam and express itself with compassion and sensitivity. Likewise, will harbor these characteristics, carrying yourself with humility and kindness as you seek joy in taking care of others through good deeds and helpful favors.

Expect quarrels and disagreements

Mercury retrograde and its closeness with Mars in opinionated Sagittarius warns you of blunt and heated disagreements during the full moon. Arguments will likely be repetitive and the re-emergence of one you have dealt with before. Hazy Neptune in Pisces clashes with Mercury retrograde and Mars, indicating that quarrels will be fuelled by over-confidence, misguidance, and naivety rather than malice. Behind the harsh assertion of opinions, you and others might not recognize the force through which you express your beliefs and outlook. Avoid jumping to conclusions or clinging to a rigid black-or-white viewpoint, and remember that what’s right and clear to you won’t be the same for others.

Loud altercations could grow out of proportion if you are relentless in your efforts to prove a point and educate others. Learn when to let things go and move on to maintain a cheerful atmosphere. When dealing with people who preach their ideas and judgment, assure them they do not have the full story without expecting to change their minds. Luck is on your side to help ease social complications under the full moon, but still, you must handle this energy with care.

Jupiter expands your positivity

Optimistic Jupiter retrograde – the planet of luck, growth, and opportunity – resides in grounded Taurus, stimulating the full moon to expand your empathy and understanding. A new understanding of your early childhood experiences and increasing awareness of others – including family members and housemates – are drawing in positive energy and even good news to put you at ease. When tensions rise, spotlighting the differences between you and others, know that your unwillingness to move on will cause disagreements to spiral into an uncontained and lengthy quarrel.

You have sustained the harshest climates this year, and now it’s time to acknowledge the abundant love that exists in your life and the security you have created and sustained. Abundant Jupiter’s reach bestows you with a divine light to alleviate the impact of tense interactions and urges you to look deeper into people’s motivations, feelings, and experiences. By consciously choosing what you give your attention to, you will successfully protect your peace and stay connected to your center. 

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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