Full Moon In Scorpio, 2024: Relieve Yourself From Your Mental Suffering

Dance with your inner darkness and excavate the shadows of your mind under the Scorpio full moon

On April 23/24, 2024, the universe dares you to feel, heal, and rise. The full moon illuminates the sky, aligning in the emotional waters of Scorpio to initiate a challenging end-of-a-chapter moment in your life. Intense waves of moodiness, sensitivity, pain, and sadness are surfacing, calling for the conscious release of the habits, behaviors, and situations that perpetuate your suffering. Notice where you are forcing yourself to endure the reimagining of your burdens and frustrations. Observe your dangerous attachment to the addictive patterns and negative feelings that are rooted in your unconscious mind. Embrace this psychological clearing and renewal by releasing your stubborn attachments and liberating yourself from addictive patterns and cycles that restrict your evolution.

What is the spiritual meaning of the full moon?

An omen to endings, closure, letting go, rebirth, and renewal, the full moon phase asks you to release the past, cut cords, and heal an emotional wound to set yourself free. Disappointments are likely as the Scorpio full moon illuminates a powerful lesson: doing what’s right for your soul can often feel scary before empowerment settles in. You are moving through a total psychological transformation as the universe directs your attention to your habitual instincts that are deeply rooted in fear, causing you to assume danger where there is none. 

The Moon is fallen in the Scorpio zodiac sign, signifying inevitable discomfort and pressure. Meanwhile, Pluto – the modern ruling planet of Scorpio – exacerbates your spiritual growing pains as it squares up with the Moon. Dive to the core of your awareness and open the channels of your heart and mind to let your emotions pass through you rather than allowing them to take root in your being and plague your perception of reality with judgment, pessimism, and bitterness. 

Heal your heart

The dynamics of your unions are growing tense and triggering as Venus aligns with asteroid Chiron – the wounded healer. This sensitive alignment isn't configured to the full moon – it glows in the cosmic backdrop, calling you to notice how and where your insecurities and fears are surfacing in your relationships. Acknowledge how your over-preparation for bad experiences causes you to project onto your loved ones, friends, or disagreers. Notice where you assume you will be hurt and sever connections before they have had an opportunity to bloom in their fullest capacity. Or how your pain, trauma, and heartbreak peak through the cracks of your consciousness, causing you to latch onto people and attachments that do not serve your highest good.

Observe your triggers

As Mercury retrograde moves into an embrace with the north node of destiny, notice how your wounded awareness casts a glare over your reality, numbing the alertness of your intuition. Misperceptions will increase this week while the collective energy remains soft and fragile. As you battle your worries and fear, neutralize your awareness with a deeper understanding that you are not fighting the people whom your fear is projecting itself onto. Do not let the shadows of your mind feast upon your light, suppressing you in mental states and physical environments that are holding you back. Do not let your triggers distract you from the wound buried deep in your unconscious mind that is calling for attention and care.

For more personalized guidance on how you will experience this full moon read your horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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