The Full Moon In Virgo Brings Uncertainty, Discomfort & Confusion

On February 24, 2024, the full moon in Virgo aligns with the illuminated moon opposing the glorious Pisces sun. Cosmic chapters are ending, teleporting you toward a new awareness of the resistance and tensions within you. Your instincts to organize, restructure, and smooth over the imbalances in your life are met with resistance from the universe. Can you get comfortable with confusion? Can you befriend your uncertainty? Can you shift the energy within yourself to see your problems in a new light?

Don’t allow perceived chaos to destroy your inner vitality. Let the Virgo full moon teach you to surrender to matters you cannot control, even if your circumstances are imperfect, incomplete, or unclear. When you have tried and tried again to tackle a problem and generate a solution to no avail, let acceptance be your salvation. Taking a step back could be the key to locking everything into place. A new awareness will be birthed through the stillness of your presence, or things will sort themselves out, freeing you from your compulsions that were the real problem all along.

This lunation is guided by Mercury

Overseeing the full moon activity is Mercury – the messenger, conveyor, analyst, and the ruling planet of rational Virgo. During this lunation, Mercury is debilitated and pressured by the deep ocean waves of Pisces, where it resides. Clarity and communication are not flowing to your expectations. Where you yearn for clear, concise, and direct answers, you might receive delayed information, disguised untruths, or no response entirely. When restless frustrations, anxiousness, and exhaustion build, don’t fuss. Don’t hyper-fixate. Don’t over-intellectualize your feelings to escape the uncertainty of your reality. Don’t construct a false narrative around your worth and capabilities because you feel inhibited.

Focus on what can be done

The sensitive Pisces Sun is enclosed by Mercury and stoic Saturn, drawing lessons on maturity and transcendence into this full moon experience. Balancing your analytical capabilities with your intuitive awareness may prove challenging at first. But, the more you practice channeling the light of your awareness within rather than externally – toward your troubles – the clearer your soul will speak. Don’t focus on what needs to be done, focus on what you can do right now. Awaken to the realization that constructing a new standard for yourself, wholly accepting your feelings and experiences as they are, will set you free. 

Seek new pathways

As you feel into the productive power of the Virgo full moon, trust that all is well as the two luckiest planets in the sky connect – Venus and Jupiter. Venus is united with Mars, embracing in solution-oriented Aquarius to instill you with vision, passion, and determination. Meanwhile, abundant and spiritual Jupiter is grounded in Taurus, spotlighting your attachments to your beliefs. There is no singular way to get the closure, ending, or outcome you want. However, deep and unacknowledged attachments to your vision, direction, patterns, and routines will prevent you from seeking new roads and alternate pathways. You don’t have to have everything figured out – if breakthroughs emerge, integrate them and influence change. If they don’t, practice acceptance.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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