Your Guide To Gemini Season 2023: It’s Time To Come Alive

Bask in the light of free-spirited Gemini season as the slow-moving and frustrating energy over the last few weeks begins to fade. From May 21 to June 21, 2023, the Sun explores Gemini's intellectually stimulating terrain, marking the initiation of the third month of the astrological year. The charming, talkative, and experimental nature of Gemini season is a breath of fresh air. The universe calls you to be on the move, chasing enriching and inspiring experiences.

Ruled by the air element and versatile Mercury — the planet of mindset, communication, and perception — Gemini season encourages you to brainstorm and exchange new ideas with people in a lighthearted, curious, non-judgemental, and playful environment. However, you may begin to live life in a hurry, eating food on the go, choosing brief conversations over deeper discussions, and quick encounters over regular meetings. Use the restless and spontaneous energy of Gemini season to widen your reach and expand your interests and networks, instead of losing your sense of presence.

Awaken your inner social butterfly

Venus — overseeing your connections with others and values — is journeying through regal Leo from June 5; this is your calling to take to the spotlight and indulge in the attention and affection you receive from the people you love most. Be the person that makes others laugh, smile, and feel at ease as your social life comes alive. Your mental clarity and alertness will dramatically increase once Mercury returns home to Gemini on June 11. Articulating your thoughts and engaging in clever debates will satisfy your inner being. However, you must watch out for the spread of misinformation and gossip, as dishonesty and contradictory information may increase.

Gemini season prompts you to learn from your fears and naivety, especially once karmic Saturn begins its maturing retrograde in Pisces from June 17. However, the next day, on June 18, the new moon in Gemini marks the turning point of the season where an increasing lack of conscious awareness around where to turn next with your plans will influence you to act with caution again.

Read your horoscope below using your rising sign before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Profound insights and realizations will soon fill you with wisdom. As the Gemini Sun magnetizes your mindset, expect to make sense of past situations that have had a deep impact on your life journey — especially those that began during turbulent eclipse season. As old chapters are put to rest, reconnect to your passionate, creative, and sexually liberated energy. Do something just for fun, Aries; life should be enjoyed to its fullest. 


With the challenges of your season behind you, you’re finally ready to move forward with purpose, enthusiasm, and clarity. This cosmic season calls you to deepen your understanding of your wants and needs and to put yourself first. Cater to your own desires, Taurus. You’ll soon learn how your ungrounded expectations have caused you to hold out for others to fuel your inner fire.


Freedom is on your mind as the Sun moves through your zodiac sign. Relax, let go, and live in flow with the universe. Energetic changes to develop in your relationships this season are divinely aligned. Resist your urge to prove that you intuitively already knew what was coming; you have nothing to prove. Once Saturn retrograde takes root in your professional life from June 17, be strong enough to reflect on the consequences of your lack of consistency and discipline.


Gemini season invites you to reconnect to yourself and your instincts to understand your worries and fears. Check-in with yourself, Cancer, and commit to this journey of self-honesty. Opportunities to cultivate a deeper foundation of self-love are within reach, but you must be willing to dive deep into your subconscious shadows to explore how you can cope with recent life changes in a constructive (rather than self-destructive) way.


The cosmic wheels have turned, clearing a pathway for you to reconnect to your heart's wishes and wildest dreams. When you tune out the noise around you and are uninfluenced by desires to keep up with collective trends, what do you truly want for yourself, Leo? Gemini season awakens your social life and aligns your pathway with people who share your creative visions. Collaborate with them, don’t compete.


Increasing worries about the level of perfection and precision in your work will cast a shadow of doubt over your achievements. Look how far you’ve come, Virgo, and focus on what has been accomplished rather than what could have been done differently (you are your own worst critic). This season calls you to tap into your inner power; use valuable alone time as an opportunity to connect to your heart through mindful self-reflection.


Unexpected intellectual journeys and explorations will lead to profound learning experiences and growth. Ask deeper questions this Gemini season, and a transformation of your perspective and outlook will take place. Venus sweeps through Leo from June 5, enticing you to network and connect with friends and mentors who are destined to offer you love and support. Brace yourself for the consequences of evading your responsibility to take care of your body and meet your work priorities.


Scorpio, this isn’t a time for you to take risks but to bask in the glory of earlier decisions that have led to your success in love and life. Commend yourself for your achievements and indulge in the fruits of your labor — whether that’s a financial increase, professional recognition, or a boost in popularity. Karmic challenges call you to observe mistakes you’ve made with dating and seeking happiness from idealized projections.


Gemini season brings warm energy to support you in soothing disjointed relationships with competitors or frenemies. The spotlight is on your love life, Sagittarius and your heart is opening up to unconditional and abundant love. Create exciting new memories with your best friend, explore what it would mean to take things to a new level of seriousness with your significant other, and embrace every moment to uplift the people you care about.


Capricorn, the energetic boost of Gemini season will help you get ahead if you’ve fallen behind with your responsibilities. However, you must remain adaptable and approach your priorities in a less structured format. Exciting changes to your routines and rituals could improve your well-being and quality of life. Any new romantic connections this season will be emotionally intense but are a chance for you to get comfortable with deep intimacy.


Be present, Aquarius. Gemini season wants you to connect to your joy and stop taking life so seriously. When you’re fixated on exploring whether the people or things around you are permanent, you forget to enjoy them while they last. This season energizes your dating and sex life, encouraging you to connect with your significant other (or new people you date) through humor and flirtation. Live with passion, enthusiasm, and excitement, and life will feel lighter.


You’ll notice that more people are trying to show you how much they appreciate you in their own unique way. Pass on this energy when you receive it by being helpful, complimentary, and saying ‘I love you’ out loud whenever you feel it inside. There’s no better time to reach out to family members to get closer to them, or make spontaneous changes to your living situation and home environment. Saturn retrograde on June 17 will be most intense for you, bringing impactful life lessons that teach you the importance of boundaries and self-discipline.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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