Everything You Need To Know About Your Solar Return (The Astrology Of Your Birthday)

Your solar return is the most important cosmic alignment you experience annually — It's your birthday! When the Sun crosses (or returns to) the exact place in the sky it was positioned in when you were born, your solar return begins! This pivotal point in your year activates a new chapter and journey toward self-actualization, bringing new opportunities and challenges that facilitate your growth. Solar returns influence the strength of your aura, persona, and ego. As the planet represents your vitality, energy, and presence, the Sun urges you to process who you are, who you're becoming, and where you want to go in life during your solar return. You're more likely to identify with the energy of your Sun sign on your birthday and embody its rawest expression. So, if you're a bold and daring Aries, you're more likely to initiate your birthday plans but get riled up if things don't unfold as expected. Or, if you're an emotional and introspective Pisces, you may fantasize about what your future will bring and reflect on what you've overcome in your recent past.

A New Life 'Theme' Will Cause Your Energy To Adapt

The new chapter and journey you begin during your solar return will bring new opportunities, challenges, and life experiences that require you to explore different parts of yourself. This personal evolution can be understood through your unique solar return astrology chart (that differs from your birth chart). This chart acts as a map to the next year of your life and renews every year!

Your solar return astrology chart indicates how your energy, identity, and personality will evolve to help you through your next journey. A year where the Moon is in Leo in your solar return chart indicates that the universe is encouraging you to be more confident and self-assertive when expressing yourself. If the Sun is in the 7th house of partnership, your year ahead will revolve around your relationship with others and the increasing seriousness of your romantic connections.

The placements in your solar return chart do not overwrite your birth chart and are just a tool to understand the new direction life will take you in after your birthday.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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