New Moon In Pisces, 2022: You're About To Level Up In Life

The new moon in Pisces on March 2, 2022, will align at 12 degrees, signifying new beginnings, cosmic resets, and internal shifts that will cause dramatic, and lucky, changes that will transform your life. This won't be an ordinary new moon. Jupiter, Pisces’ traditional ruling planet, will be two degrees away at 14 degrees Pisces, causing this new moon to embody peak dreamy, expansive, and confident energy. Your focus will be on your manifestations and how to make your dream life your reality.

Break Through Your Self Doubt

Pisces is the zodiacal archetype of the subconscious mind. Its energy magnetizes your deepest thoughts, emotional intelligence, and connection to the universe. This new moon will supercharge your growth on mental and spiritual levels, allowing you to mature dramatically, break through self-limiting beliefs, and finally go after the things you’ve been dreaming about. Its power will not only encourage you to help yourself by envisioning the best possible outcomes from your experiences that you deserve, but it will also encourage you to help others by thinking of them when opportunities arise.

Turn Your Thoughts Into Actions

This new moon in Pisces itself is timeless and formless; However, the supporting planetary alignments will take things to the next level, allowing you to turn thoughts into action. Venus and Mars will be in a 1-degree conjunction in dominant and ambitious Capricorn, amplifying your drive and encouraging you to push through any obstacles headed your way. This is a great pairing to the more gentle and watery Piscean energy as it introduces a duality to our nature. Success in your personal life, relationships, and careers will be at the forefront of your mind, and you will have new ideas of how to go about attaining it that might seem unrealistic or ungrounded to others. Nevertheless, it's your drive that will prove people wrong because you are capable of doing unbelievable things when you set intentions to do so.

Heighten Your Awareness And Perspective

The new moon will form a supportive sextile to Uranus in Taurus, which is the planet responsible for a lot of the larger-scale changes and unpredictable shifts that we’ve been experiencing as a global community. Uranus in Taurus will encourage you to revolutionize your perspective of stability and whether you even want to work a 9-to-5. Making money, working hard, and achieving your goals doesn’t have to look like what you’ve seen others do.

Reconnect to the highest parts of your inner self that already know you don’t have to be confined by other people's ideas of success to achieve big in life. You will slowly challenge your perception of a stable income and learn more about what it means to support yourself. This will allow you to shed projections and limiting beliefs that have kept you from evolving to the next level.

Be Flexible And Make The Most Of New Opportunities

Uranus will also bring unsteadiness in the area of your life that is ruled by Taurus (check your horoscope), which will feel like you’ve been put in the hot seat to come up with new solutions that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. There’s a lot of rapid energy attached to this new moon, which will allow you to attract life-changing opportunities that transform your life fast. However, you will be challenged on your ability to stay grounded and keep up with your fast-changing surroundings.

Remember, new moons symbolize your internal world and how you respond to things being initiated in your external world. If you aren’t allowing your values, personal ideas of yourself and what your life could become, and your assertiveness to transform, you won’t be able to make the most of the new opportunities put in front of you. You must be able to visualize change to coerce it into your reality. You must be willing to let go of what you think you know about what you need to make space for the universe to surprise you. You must take initiative and approach your goals with grounded conviction once the universe forges a new pathway for you.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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