Saturn In Pisces 2023 - 2026 Is Here To Teach Your Zodiac Sign Boundaries

On March 7, 2023, Saturn — the planet of responsibility, restriction, life lessons, and maturity — enters Pisces for the first time since 1996! This cosmic shift will be a transformative and maturing time for us all, especially if you have natal Saturn in Pisces (born between 1993 and 1996), as you’ll soon experience your first Saturn return! Pisces is a water sign that brings sensitive, reflective, and emotionally distracted energy. The Pisces zodiac sign is symbolized by a duo of fish, representing its duality, depth, and connection to human and divine experiences.

Expect lessons on building boundaries and stronger emotional foundations and structures in your life from March 7, 2023 until May 24, 2025, then again from August 31, 2025, to February 13, 2026. Saturn in Pisces may also indicate the fluctuation or collapse of your boundaries during this period — consider the power of the ocean’s tides. Either way, expect huge changes and challenges over the next 2.5 years in the area of your life influenced by this energy.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Saturn in Pisces is the ideal time to explore your subconscious mind through therapy or spiritual and mindful practices. Pay extra attention to your dreams and reflect on your life experiences that seem unusually significant. 


Taurus, Saturn in Pisces will urge you to embrace your leadership qualities in group settings and connect with others in meaningful and intentional ways. You may shine and excel when learning new technological skills during this transit.


Career-related change is a possibility with Saturn in Pisces. Prepare to be asked to take on more responsibilities and challenging tasks or prove your trustworthiness with others. You’re moving toward earning a great deal of respect in your field.  


Saturn in Pisces asks you to expand your mental and physical horizons, Cancer. You may experience new opportunities to explore higher education and long-distance travel, or you could become a teacher or mentor to others. 


Shadow work and deep personal transformation will become a focal point for you, Leo, as Saturn transits Pisces. Dive deep with your healing, and you’ll come out on the other side of this chapter feeling reborn — like a phoenix. 


Virgo, you may re-examine and re-evaluate the interpersonal connections that are most important to you as Saturn moves through Pisces. You’ll want to ensure they are reciprocal and fair to you, as some may not have been in the past. You deserve to receive the same love and care you give. 


Saturn in Pisces will help you to enforce healthier lifestyle habits and take better care of your body. By the end of this transit, you will feel confident and have a firmer grasp of your boundaries. Any false illusions about who you are will be stripped away — a more authentic sense of self awaits. 


Saturn’s journey through Pisces signals a time to let your inner child have fun and roam free. This is your chance to pursue a new hobby or creative interest. Doing so will increase your self-confidence and boost your emotional fulfillment. 


Sagittarius, Saturn’s transit in Pisces will help you strengthen your inner security and the grounded presence you feel at home. Make the most of this energy by bonding with relatives — especially older and wiser family members — and create firm and healthy boundaries with them. 


Capricorn, Saturn in Pisces is a good time to start practicing meditation to organize your thoughts and deepen your concentration. You may begin to travel more for work or learn the importance of communicating with clarity through challenging social interactions. 


Saturn in Pisces will influence your self-worth and invite you to take fiscal matters more seriously. Start to plan and prepare for your future by re-evaluating your values. Build a firm foundation internally to match your external structures.


Saturn in Pisces will shift your focus to your health and personal identity. This transit will bring your insecurities to the surface to teach you how to overcome your fears without being so hard on yourself. You’ll develop greater self-discipline and focus, and become more productive.

Elizabeth Chrysopoeia

Elizabeth is a professional astrologer from New York City with over two decades of experience studying and practicing psychology and astrology together in the Jungian tradition, starting as a young teen. Check out her work on Medium – @chrysopoeia.astrology.

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