The Solar Eclipse In Taurus, 2022 Is The Divine Intervention You've Been Waiting For

The partial solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, 2022, will kick start the first eclipse season of the year, bringing supercharged and turbulent new beginnings that will be a beautiful culmination of everything that’s been unfolding in your life lately. A solar eclipse is a karmic new moon that aligns alongside the nodal axis. This eclipse will align alongside the lunar north node of destiny, signifying a karmic increase and sudden overhaul of the area of your life (the house in your birth chart) represented by Taurus. You will be launched toward your destiny under this lunation, as the foundations of your life are restructured to better serve your karmic needs. Eclipses tend to be super dramatic about how they deliver inevitable experiences and life shifts to help you along your journey. Hold faith that everything will make sense in the end. You might feel like this eclipse is the divine intervention you needed more than anything else.

The Moon and Venus are empowered

Positive energy will be circulating from every direction under this eclipse. Taurus is an amazing sign for the Moon to transit as it can really indulge in the luxurious beauty, grounded charm, and practical security of this earth sign. Understanding the planetary ruler of any lunation will offer further details about what changes the eclipse will conjure up. In this case, the planetary ruler of the solar eclipse in Taurus is Venus. Venus is currently transiting Pisces, and like the Moon, Venus is in its exalted position, lavishing in the affectionate and sensitive waters of the twelfth zodiac sign. In addition to this, Venus will align in exact conjunction with Jupiter, the great benefic planet and traditional ruler of Pisces, right when this eclipse comes into alignment. Gentle support from transiting Pluto, who is sextile the eclipse, will offer a deeply regenerative energy to support your growth.

Venus fuses with Jupiter

Venus in Pisces, as the planetary ruler of the eclipse, suggests that new insight and clarity on what you truly want for yourself will find you unexpectedly. The realization will hit you: that everything you’ve been fantasizing about is well within your ability to achieve thanks to all the external and inner work you’ve been doing. These revelations are what will lead to the significant restructuring of the foundations of your life (relating to which house you have on Taurus). The Venus-Jupiter conjunction will magnetize and expand the lucky magic of this eclipse, teleporting you to the next level or the next chapter of your story. Venusian and Juptierian energy combined have the power to ignite tremendous bouts of luck, surges of wealth, and idealized romance if these things are in alignment with your path and fate. Your manifestations will be coming to fruition, but it might not look as you imagined if you were holding onto highly specific visions. The universe will give you what you want in ways that support what you need.

Pluto energizes the Eclipse

Pluto in Capricorn will sextile the eclipse, adding another layer of transformative energy that will bring rewards for the efforts you have made to progress in life. Sextiles illuminate the behind-the-scenes exchange of energy that is fuelling your experiences, which in this case, is transcendental Pluto shifting the structures of your life to align you with new people, opportunities, and experiences. Change, especially at this level, is always awkward and uncomfortable. Especially when Plutonian energy interacts with the luminaries, creating subconscious-level changes and growth that slowly (but surely) alter your feelings and personality. But don't let this sudden change sour your perspective of this eclipse. Embrace this cosmic end and magnetic new beginning and remember that as this is an eclipse, there’s nothing you have to actively do in order to support this energy — it’ll unfold all on its own as the universe intended.

Looking for deeper insights? Click here to read your eclipse horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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