The Full Moon Through The Astrological Houses

The full moon is the most recognizable lunar phase, signifying the midway point of the 28-day lunar cycle where the moon reaches its peak and shines its brightest. During a full moon, the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth, forming a 180-degree astrological aspect (energetic relationship between planets) called an opposition. This lunation is perhaps the most sensitive moon phase as events in our lives will come to a dramatic culmination at this time, causing emotional celebrations or goodbyes.

Dynamic full moons ignite cosmic endings, the attainment of milestones, and the end of current chapters in our lives. The projects, ventures, and relationships that we begin during new moons — at the beginning of the lunar cycle — tend to push us toward endings in a polarizing area of our life so we can make space for growth in all avenues. You can expect a full moon to bring the completion of a project, the development of a relationship, the end of a job, and an overall energetic high point where you're more likely to receive recognition, attention, and rewards for your hard work. Remember, the zodiac sign that will energize the full moon is another component that will add depth to your understanding of how the lunation will influence you.

Full Moon In The 1st House

The full moon in your 1st house will spark endings closely associated with your identity, life path, and personality. You may be getting ready to make a huge life change around this time, leaving you to celebrate or mourn the version of yourself that you are evolving from. Your recent life experiences may have shown you a different side of yourself, giving you a new idea about who you are and what you're capable of. Use this full moon to celebrate all the moments where you surpassed your expectations and proved others wrong. Let go of your pessimistic outlook and commend yourself for all the times when you were true to yourself.

Full Moon In The 2nd House

The full moon in your 2nd house will spark endings relating to your financial life, 9-5 job, and self-worth. It's likely that you will achieve a financial or material goal around this time, which will boost your self-esteem and encourage you to keep pushing forward. Changes to your usual routine will allow you to develop a healthier schedule and make more time for self-care practices. This full moon is a great time to let go of any attachments or expectations around your financial and material life, which you can demonstrate by giving back to others. Spoil someone you care about or make a donation to charity.

Full Moon In The 3rd House

The full moon in your third house will encourage dramatic and long-awaited conversations. If you’ve been avoiding confronting someone or sharing your true feelings, you may have a mental breakthrough that will inspire you to speak your mind and decide how you want things to proceed. This full moon is the perfect time to seek closure between you and your siblings or neighbors if you’ve experienced a rough patch. The full moon may also trigger the end of a chapter in your local environment that could see changes to your favorite coffee shop or a refurbishment in your local bookstore or gym.

Full Moon In The 4th House

The full moon in your 4th house will bring sensitive endings to the feelings that have interfered with your happiness. This is the perfect time to seek closure from the early childhood experiences that continue to weigh you down in the present. Have a heart-to-heart with your parental figures to help you release your difficult memories and commit to letting go of the past. Dramatic endings under this full moon could cause you to pack up and move home or say goodbye to a roommate of yours. Getting rid of old furniture or celebrating your achievements by going back to family traditions are perfect ways to use this energy.

Full Moon In The 5th House

The full moon in your 5th house will be rather lucky, bringing the opportunity for you to release a project that you’ve put a lot of heart into producing. Your hard work will finally pay off, causing you to feel lighter and happier. Expect emotional endings that could see you split from a romantic partner or get serious with them — going from casually dating to an official relationship or engagement. This full moon will encourage you to spend time with children as they will likely reach their own endings or milestones in their lives, which will cause you to feel emotional.

Full Moon In The 6th House

The full moon in your 6th house of work, health, and lifestyle could cause you to achieve a health and wellness goal of yours. If you’ve been hoping to leave your job or start a new work venture, this full moon is a great time to take the leap, or it could bring feedback over a previously submitted application. Expect your attention to be turned toward health concerns, causing you to make lifestyle and diet changes around this time. Completing work projects that have taken up much of your time or even saying goodbye to a colleague who will be moving offices could bring emotional endings and celebrations in their honor.

Full Moon In The 7th House

The full moon in your 7th house will bring dramatic endings and celebrations that you share with other people in your life. You could take things to the next level in your relationship, such as getting married or taking on more shared responsibilities. Or you might reach a shared goal with a business partner or best friend, causing you to end one chapter and enter a new one. A full moon in your 7th house will encourage you to seek common ground with others, even if that means mutually agreeing to part ways. If you’ve got any known competitors or frenemies, your rivalry may reach a make-or-break moment where you finally overcome challenges and put an end to your opposition.

Full Moon In The 8th House

The full moon in your 8th house of regeneration will bring heavy endings that could manifest as literal or metaphorical deaths. This full moon will invite you to process loss honestly and thoroughly; give yourself time and space to heal and find healthy ways to cope with your difficult experiences. You’ll likely reach the end of a contractual agreement — such as a lease or work contract — or intimate partnership at this time, for example: with a therapist, counselor, astrologer, accountant, or lawyer. The full moon in your 8th house could also bring sudden material and financial rewards from your parents or in-laws. Achieving a goal or milestone in your joint ventures will end a chapter of hard work and intense focus in this area of your life.

Full Moon In The 9th House

The full moon in your 9th house of philosophy will bring sudden spiritual breakthroughs that give you a clearer vision of your future. Your belief system may be affirmed by your life experiences, causing you to feel more optimistic and hopeful about where you're going in life. The full moon in your 9th house signifies a time of deep mental adjustments; this could be sparked by you completing a course of study, finishing a book, or returning from a long journey. This will deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Full Moon In The 10th House

The full moon in your 10th house of ambition and reputation will bring honors and endings. You may reach a huge career milestone or come to the end of your employment, promoting you to celebrate your achievements and hard work. This full moon will put you in the spotlight to receive rewards and praise, thus improving your public standing and reputation. The full moon in your 10th house is a powerful placement that can bring dramatic life re-directions. Take pride in your accomplishments, especially the challenges you’ve overcome in private and the internal battles you've fought to reach the top that others haven't seen.

Full Moon In The 11th House

The full moon in your 11th house of goals, dreams, and networks will bring dramatic endings to your social life. This full moon could cause changes to your social circle, such as parting ways with friends, connecting with new people through social media, and leaving an organization or group to which you no longer feel a connection. The full moon in your 11th house is also a great time to express gratitude for all you have. When you're so focused on the next thing, it's easy to forget that some of your dreams have already come true. Celebrate your accomplishments with the people who helped you along the way.

Full Moon In The 12th House

The full moon in your 12th house of mental health will bring dramatic endings to your subconscious mind, allowing you to let go of the painful memories or grudges over past betrayals that have circulated in your mind. This full moon is the perfect time to focus on your mental well-being by consulting with a professional if you need support to combat your sadness or anxiousness. The full moon in your 12th house could influence you to finally overcome an uncomfortable karmic cycle that will allow you to release your frustrations and embark on a new journey free from the same suffering. You might feel more introverted under this full moon and drawn to recharging your energy and practicing mindfulness rather than being social.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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