How To Heal & Grow With The 8 Moon Phases


hroughout ancient history, the Moon has been observed as a guiding light and map pointing you toward personal growth. However, the spiritual meaning of the lunar phases and how its energy can be used to facilitate planning and self-development has been lost in Western societies. During its 28-day cycle around Earth, the Moon ‘changes’ phases every 2.5 days. Our shifting perception of the Moon — due to its shadows and reflection of sunlight — created 8 distinctive lunar phases that each have a unique meaning, message, and impact on your well-being, productivity, and emotional fluctuations.

The two lunar phases that are most identifiable are the full moon (when the Moon is at its brightest) and the new moon (when the Moon disappears from the sky). As the moon waxes (grows fuller and brighter into a full moon) and wanes (diminishes into a new moon), we are taken on a cosmic journey of outer growth and inner reflection. By understanding the lunar cycle and phases, you can gain a better understanding of when you are most productive in a month, why you may be losing motivation, and how to work alongside this energy to enhance your success.

01. New Moon

The darkness of the new moon phase brings profound clarity, inviting you to influence your external reality by setting intentions and sowing seeds that will blossom into a new adventure. At the beginning of the Moon’s cycle, the Moon aligns between the passage of the Earth and the Sun, with its visible side turned away from us, creating the illusion of its disappearance. Symbolizing new beginnings, the new moon phase charges your manifestations by empowering you to set yourself up for success. It is during this lunar phase – when the Sun (physical self) and Moon (emotional self) are aligned – that you have the most control over your reality.


  • Regain your strength and build optimism.

  • Envision your goals and the new journey you’re committing to.

  • Ease into the natural frequency of the lunation by embodying the cultivated expression of the zodiac sign of which it has aligned (e.g., trust your instincts during the Aries new moon, and follow your heart during the Leo new moon).

02. Waxing Crescent

The sliver of the waxing crescent moon mirrors the steady development of the ideas and intentions that were set under the new moon. This second phase of the moon’s cycle calls you to demonstrate your commitment to your intentions, ideas, and growth. Stick to your plans and enjoy the thrill of acquiring new knowledge and information that will help you progress. The zodiac signs that the Moon traverses during its waxing crescent phase indicate how you will approach the task of preparing to work toward new goals (e.g., the waxing crescent Moon in Taurus exudes diligence and patience, whereas, in Leo, it indicates passion and an over-enthusiastic urge to get ahead).


  • Build confidence through planning and preparation.

  • Be determined and take your time.

  • Get organized and establish a strong foundation to promote success.

03. First Quarter

During the first quarter, half of the Moon is illuminated while the other half remains in the shadows as the Sun squares up with the Moon. Finally, you’re testing out your ideas and plans as the first quarter Moon boosts your momentum and desire to take action. However, this is where you may begin to run into obstacles, resistance, and challenges. The first quarter is an opportunity to confront internal barriers that are blocking your chances of success and to consider what about your actions (or inaction) is making an external situation difficult to navigate. You may have to consider whether your planning was effective enough and push yourself to get things done.

First quarter intentions:

  • Be resilient, flexible, and self-motivated (allow moments of intense pressure to inspire you to rise to the challenge).

  • Check-in with yourself and your emotions.

  • Don’t abandon tasks when they get difficult.

04. Waxing Gibbous

You’re closer to achieving your goals as the waxing gibbous moon phase boosts your focus, patience, and productivity. This is the final phase before the midpoint of the lunar cycle that offers a boost of determination after the challenging first quarter moon that taught you more about yourself. Use this lunar phase to practice self-evaluation. Your closer eye for detail will illuminate where you must make final adjustments to your plans and projects to ensure you stay in alignment with your goals and ambitions. The waxing gibbous phase also presents opportunities to heal the lingering feelings that have impacted your self-worth and determination.

Waxing Gibbous intentions:

  • Instil greater faith and confidence in yourself and your projects – you’re closer to achieving them than you think.

  • Observe which factors and pressures in your life are motivating and which are demotivating.

  • Nurture and improve your lifestyle as a healthy routine and inner world will facilitate positive developments in your work life.

05. Full Moon

The high-energy full moon phase signifies a moment of completion and celebration. The full moon is the most recognizable moon phase, signified by the bright and fully illuminated moon in the sky. At this time, the Sun stands off with the Moon in opposition, indicating that your external environment is mirroring your internal world. Cycles that began under the new moon at the start of the month are now coming to a divine end as the universe aligns you with experiences that offer you closure and fruitful rewards for your efforts. A journey that you began 6 months ago will also reach a full circle moment, offering you a satisfying moment of closure, finality, and enlightening life lessons that inspire your growth. As tensions rise, prepare to let go and release what isn’t working as the full moon phase initiates a powerful end to a chapter in your life.

Full Moon intentions:

  • Allow things to come together in the way they were destined (don’t resist the direction that the universe is pushing you in.

  • Observe your manifestations coming to fruition and express gratitude for everything in your life that has aligned in your favor.

  • Acknowledge how far you’ve come, how much you’ve grown, and how your life has transformed.

06. Waning Gibbous

The Moon’s light is diminishing as it shifts into its waning gibbous phase. Your come down from the full moon will be influenced by the feelings that were unearthed during this dramatic and high-energy time of the month. There are still valuable opportunities during the waning gibbous phase to release the energy that no longer serves you so that you can open up and receive the blessings that the universe has in store for you. Expect to feel more empowered to kick bad habits and make the most of the cards you’ve been dealt.

Waning Gibbous Intentions:

  • Accept your fate instead of fighting situations that are out of your control.

  • Treat yourself and share your gifts and rewards with the people you love.

  • Reflect on the setbacks and challenges you’ve overcome to get to where you are today.

07. Last Quarter

The moon has almost reached the end of its cycle as it squares up with the Sun again. During the last quarter moon phase, you’re called to draw energy back toward yourself by reconnecting to your body and deeper feelings. Consider how well you have taken care of yourself this month and whether you have the tools, routine, and structure necessary to meet your internal and external needs. The last quarter moon calls for a moment of honesty about what has held you back and how you’ve contributed to your own limitations. Release the attachments that keep you tethered to the past and open up your energetic body to welcome the future.

Last Quarter Intentions:

  • You cannot start fresh while continuing to hold onto the past. What are you struggling to let go of, and what does this tell you about your deeper needs and emotions?

  • Offer kindness and forgiveness to those who have created challenges for you as a courageous demonstration that you refuse to allow sadness or stress to harden your heart.

  • Implement healthy rituals into your routine that keep you grounded and allow you to feel like your best self.

08. Waning Crescent

As the final phase before the start of the next lunar cycle, the waning crescent moon calls for restoration. Rest, relax, reset, and exist in the present moment without the pressure to do anything. With the new moon only a few short days away, your energy is preparing for the next chapter that will take your focus in a new direction. Use this time to focus on what you’ve gained from this month’s cycle and what you’re grateful for. Surrender to life’s flow and observe what was missing (from an internal standpoint) from the past month – was it a consistent sleep pattern? A wellness ritual and self-care routine? Time for fun and creativity?

Waning Crescent Intentions:

  • Prioritize recovery, relaxation, and returning to your center.

  • Lean on mindfulness practices like meditation, breathwork, and journaling to ground into your energy and release what no longer serves you with grace. 

  • Focus on laidback, low-energy activities that don’t cause you to worry about what’s coming next.



Self-Care Rituals For Your Zodiac Sign