Your Valentine's Day 2024 Horoscope: Open Communication Will Help You Heal

On love day, the universe extends an invitation to heal the wounds surfacing in your relationships

Communication is key this Valentine’s Day. Tensions are building beneath the surface that cannot be masked by material or superficial displays of affection. Meet the cosmic guides that will carry you through the depths of a great transformation on February 14, 2024: warrior Mars – the planet of action, instinct, and separation – and powerhouse Pluto – the planet of elimination and transformation. Mars and Pluto will form a volcanic union in intellectual Aquarius, forcing you to address the triggers and wounds that power your instincts and the psychological patterns mirrored through your relationships. Obsessive desires, unconscious mind games, and intense affairs will illuminate the disharmony buried within the folds of your psyche and how you project these shadows externally. Thankfully, Mars and Pluto’s alignment empowers you to explore how the past is rooted in your present by intertwining with your unconscious reactions and projections. Feel, heal, and release to strengthen your connections or attract the best person for you.

You cannot force love where it isn’t destined

The Moon – representing your emotional tides – transits sensual Taurus on February 14, 2024, carving out space for intentional self-care and opportunities to express your affections and sensuality. Rather than worrying about whether your choices in love make sense to other people, root deeper into your desires and focus on cultivating (or calling in) an authentic and pleasure-filled relationship.

Venus – the cosmic ruler of connection, attachments, and values – in humble Capricorn reaches out to Mars and Pluto, serving up powerful reminders that you cannot force love where it isn't destined. Likewise, you cannot build and sustain a foundation of true love without a shared seriousness to healing and maturing through union. Are you fighting for a connection that doesn’t feel comfortable and nourishing? Are you still battling to be seen and feel heard? Where are you experiencing the resurfacing of wounds from your past?

Use your rising sign, for more Valentine’s Day guidance. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Deepen your understanding of where you have acted selfishly. When you feel activated by the re-emergence of your deepest triggers, do not allow the tides of your emotions to control you so much that you fail to consider any experience but your own. Through the gift of presence and grounded reflection, clear the mental barriers built through fear that have limited your love manifestations rather than empowering the attraction of soulmate ties. There is much pleasure and satisfaction to gain through demonstrations of affection. Give without expectation, and you will receive heavenly love through divine channels.


Charge your love life with affirmations of your worth. You deserve to be treasured like a rare jewel. Your body and sacred energy deserve to be held by someone who loves you as you love yourself. The sooner you embody this state of mind, the deeper your connections will become. Healing takes place when you stop wishing for your love to be validated through others’ eyes. Curb your instinct to cultivate an inauthentic image of your unions through calculated public displays. End the pattern of projecting the image of perfection onto other’s relationships, and you will no longer feel uncomfortable with the truth of your love life.


Do not allow the pains of the past to plague your perception of what could be. If you are holding hope in your heart, let the universe direct your awareness to connections of your past and present that are rooted in shared interests rather than morals. You will find longevity in love with someone who shares your commitment to personal evolution. Consider how compulsive judgments have cast a dark shadow over your ability to relate to others and feel understood by your lovers. Acknowledge where are you still holding shame around your pleasure to the extent that don't allow yourself to experience the full richness of intimacy and joy.


Lingering remnants of pain stored within your energetic field are surfacing. Consider how you cling to your lover’s mistakes, pinning them as an example of why you must resist going deeper into the wells of emotional intimacy. Your unconscious instinct to allow your unhealed past to intertwine with pain forged in your present is exacerbating your suffering. If you are committed to being physically present in a union, then you must heal psychological blockages and open your heart to forgiveness. If you are not devoted to building trust and healing your open wounds to allow love to pour in, release the connection. Love should not be a struggle.


It is painful to realize the destructive and inauthentic nature of your bonds mirrors your internal imbalances. However, there are ways to integrate this understanding without allowing anger, irritation, or blame to swallow you whole. Pay attention to arising tensions and disputes in your platonic and romantic relationships, for there are opportunities to uncover deeper truths around your actions and instincts by acknowledging them from an alternate perspective. An intricate balance is needed to affirm to your lovers that you desire to be publically celebrated. Avoid becoming so consumed with chasing what you crave that you forget to allow space for things to unfold naturally.


A disconnect from the codes of wisdom and intelligence stored within your body generates a disconnect from the people around you. You cannot experience true connection if you do not know what it means to sink deeper into your being and connect with yourself. Before you make assertions or demands in your physical reality or allow others to determine what is right for you, activate a renewed awareness of your desires and emotions by tuning into the currents within. Ground your understanding of others through practical conversations without losing your center of gravity or relinquishing your power.


The universe guides you away from people who can not offer you the love and freedom your heart craves. Yet, the process of separating from what isn't meant for you may feel confusing and painful. Untether your soul from the intellectual attachments you form in love that cause you to cling to potential over affection experienced in the present. Self-intimacy is the gateway to understanding how your lovers can better serve your needs. Savour moments of pleasure. Develop the comfort you feel in nothing but your naked skin. Remember the rawness of your true beauty. Serve yourself as a reminder that satisfaction is not something others can give to you, but something stimulated within.


Keep opening your heart to people who illuminate the very best of your true self – even if others do not understand your shared connection. You deserve peace, pleasure, and fulfillment at the highest level. Don't reject the unconventional containers in which love arrives in your life because you have allowed the weight of other’s expectations to create shame around what your soul craves. You will feel deeply empowered by going after what you want and not allowing anything to stand in your way this Valentine’s Day. Just be sure you are under the guidance of your intuition rather than the governance of impulsion and erratic instincts.


Look beneath the surface to uncover your true thoughts about love and partnership outside of your conditioned beliefs. Consider how your lack of clarity and communication has impacted your ability to show up fully in relationships. Have you unconsciously played mind games and led people on due to uncertainty or wavering interests and desires? Have you claimed that you want what others want, only to realize later that this does not align with your truth? Intense reactions and resistances will reveal where your self-worth is so detached to your rightness that you cannot anchor deeper into understanding to facilitate healthier connections. 


You are deep in the process of learning to love yourself for who you truly are. As you strengthen your self-worth and realize the gold that runs through your veins, you will find it easier to see beyond the shiny objects offered to you and directly into the soul of the people pursuing your interest. Remember, it is a privilege for others to be granted access to your energy. You deserve to be nurtured and protected with the same fierceness and commitment you devote to the people you love. Shed the layers of your being that cling to attachments that offer a false sense of love and pleasure, and you will realize your values.


Destructive impulses will reign over your life, separating you from your desires until you turn the light on yourself. Review your patterns of self-sabotage and the unconscious blockages you empower to avoid going deeper with people. Return to your purest state of being and trust that you will be loved by the right person for your raw and authentic self. Break the cycle of molding the structures of your union to align with societal standards rather than doing what feels liberating and nourishing for you. Stop waiting to be pursued and take charge when you understand what you want. The love and fulfillment you crave will manifest when you step into your power.


Allow the universe to illuminate the dark shadow within that prevents you from manifesting love that is free from any suffering. Are you perpetually choosing the wrong partners who cannot nurture your heart and soul growth? Someone physically or emotionally unavailable? Someone who is not willing to go deeper with their self-understanding? Someone who is not proud to envelop you in a cocoon of love and profess their affection for you to the world? Allow Valentine's Day's transformative energy to alleviate the stresses you are experiencing. Resist magnifying your pain by comparing your present to the past, to an idealized future, or to other people’s reality.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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