What Your Partner's Moon Sign Says About Their Deepest Feelings & Emotional Instincts

Your lover’s Moon sign is the secret to understanding their emotional depth

If you're crushing on someone or in a long-term relationship, understanding your partner's Moon sign may be the secret to deepening your awareness of their innermost feelings. Your moon sign is the zodiac sign where the Moon resides in your birth chart. In astrology, the Moon oversees feelings, receptivity, and your subconscious self. The placement of the Moon in your birth chart reveals a lot about your energy and sensitivity, how you listen to and understand others, your habitual patterns, and what brings you back into balance.

Being thoughtful of your partner's lunar energy can strengthen your relationship and your ability to make them feel comfortable and emotionally secure. However, moon signs aren't the sole indicator of whether you and your partner are compatible. Use your understanding of your partner or crush's moon sign to understand their deepest needs, mood cycles, and how they need to be nurtured.

If they don’t know their moon sign, pull up their birth chart to find out. Or, treat them to an astrology reading to deepen their self-understanding. 

Aries Moon

Rather than diving deep into their emotions, your sensitive Aries moon partner or crush will instinctively react to their triggers. Their passionate inner fire can influence their dramatic, heated, or over-the-top reactions. Aries moons won't display feelings of sadness, insecurity, and vulnerability in typical ways. Instead, their feelings will be eclipsed by impulsive outbursts and a fiery temper. It’s best to approach your Aries moon partner with a calm energy to get them to understand you and to take some alone time when their emotional instability causes you to feel attacked.

Taurus Moon

Taurus moons are strong and stubborn yet charming, loyal, and devoted. If you’re crushing on a Taurus moon, know that they have an excellent perception of behavior and attitude changes. There’s no point in telling them you’re okay when they’ve already assessed from your body language that you aren’t. Taurus moons manage their temperament very well, so don’t assume they’re unbothered by irritations just because they haven't reacted or caused a scene. Make them feel emotionally safe and secure, and they’ll open up to you. 

Gemini Moon

As a Gemini moon, your partner or crush may have a restless inner world and scattered energy, fuelling their nerves, overthinking, or anxiety. Their innate emotional instinct is to adapt, making it easier for them to overcome emotional challenges. Gemini is a versatile air sign, so their emotional self is intellectual and curious. Gemini moons are likely to excel in social settings but may go back and forth with their feelings more than others. Allow your Gemini moon lover the freedom to explore their changing emotions and keep them guessing.

Cancer Moon

Cancer moons are reflective in nature, so they may spend a prolonged time getting carried away in their emotions. They have a caring and considerate energy and are likely to check in on you and your feelings before they’ve taken care of themself. Cancer moons may be bound by memories of the past and have a self-protective instinct that hardens their outer shell. Don’t be surprised if the Cancer moon in your life hasn’t totally healed and moved on from their ex! Be sensitive, calm, and loving when dealing with a Cancer moon, and give them the emotional reassurance they need.

Leo Moon

If you’re crushing on a Leo moon, you’re probably attracted to their passionate, playful, and charismatic energy. Leo moons are fun-loving and expressive, so it won’t be a struggle to get them to open up. However, they have a lot of pride which can cause them to be easily offended or struggle to accept and understand someone else’s emotional experiences. If you and your Leo moon crush are unable to understand each other, you may feel like they’re being childish or self-centered. The best way to get through to a Leo moon is to relate your experiences back to them so they can empathize with you.

Virgo Moon

Virgo moons observe feelings from an analytical standpoint; their pragmatic approach to emotional understanding may stem from their desire to ‘fix’ negative feelings and what’s causing them. Though they may have a tendency to come across as critical or blunt, your Virgo moon partner wants to help you, which is why it’s best to tell them how they can do so before you open up (e.g., do you want a non-judgemental listening ear or practical advice?). Show your Virgo moon partner that you understand them by encouraging them to be less critical of themselves and ease their mind when they’re irritated.

Libra Moon

Gentle and emotionally balanced Libra moons are easy to get along with, so if you’re attracted to a Libra moon, you won’t have to worry about being heard and understood. Libra moons are driven by a subconscious desire to be at peace with themselves and others. They may avoid friction or play the role of mediator to ensure everyone gets along, even if it means sweeping their own feelings under the rug. Ask your Libra moon partner how they truly feel and reassure them that you want them to express themselves authentically.

Scorpio Moon

Out of all the zodiac signs, Scorpio moons have the greatest emotional depth and feel things to the extreme. They react with passion and have a habitual pattern of being sensitive and very set in their ways. Scorpio moons appreciate intimate bonds formed with people who are as open and raw with their feelings as they are. Be honest with your Scorpio moon partner, as they are highly intuitive and perceptive, and support them in handling their emotions by listening to them without judgment. 

Sagittarius Moon

Free-spirited Sagittarius moons are optimistic and have a friendly and philosophical attitude. Understanding them isn't too difficult as they have a tendency to overshare, overpromise, or exaggerate when expressing themselves. Wise Sagittarius moons give great advice; however, in their eagerness to understand others, they may struggle to listen and end up telling people about their own feelings. If you want to appeal to a Sagittarius moon, show them that you are open-minded.

Capricorn Moon

You may have noticed that your Capricorn moon partner is totally in control of their feelings. Capricorn moons aren’t likely to express themselves in an emotional way as they filter their feelings through reason and look for logical causes for emotional fluctuations. They may come across as insensitive or unsympathetic, so it’s best to be concise and tell them exactly what has triggered your feelings and why. On instinct, Capricorn moons will bury the feelings they consider distracting or unimportant. You aren’t likely to get them to open up on your terms, but could encourage them to be more self-understanding.

Aquarius Moon

If your crush or lover has an Aquarius moon, they are insightful, unpredictable, and stubborn. They may come across as aloof and have trouble understanding your sensitivity, but they’re always willing to help you explore your feelings — especially if this will draw attention away from their own emotions. Getting an Aquarius moon to understand you is easier than trying to understand them. They aren’t hugely sensitive and are more inclined to express their feelings concerning their interests, ideas, and values rather than openly talking about their subconscious and emotional self. 

Pisces Moon

As a mystical Pisces moon, your crush or partner is imaginative, sympathetic, and soft. They have a gentle nature and are excellent listeners and observers; however, their instinct to retreat when overwhelmed by their feelings could make it difficult for you to be there for them when they need support. Pisces moons will take on your problems and other people’s battles as if they were their own which can fuel their emotional struggles. Be a strong support system for your Pisces moon partner to help them stay grounded, withstand negative energy, and navigate emotional challenges.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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