Your Cancer Season 2022 Horoscope — What This Means For Your Zodiac Sign

The Sun moves into kind and caring Cancer on June 21, marking the arrival of Summer

During this sensitive zodiacal season, which will end on July 22, you will experience contrasting energy to the upbeat and energetic Gemini Season. You'll likely spend more time at home, reconnecting to yourself, or in the company of your closest friends and relatives instead of getting out of your comfort zone and widening your social circle. Similarly, you’ll be far more concerned with strengthening deep and meaningful connections with the people you feel safe around; however, brace yourself as this season will increase your emotional dependency, causing you to come off as clingy, hyper-sensitive, or possessive.

Open up to those who are trustworthy

Cancer Season is the perfect time to focus on being a warm, compassionate, helpful, and protective figure in other people's lives (and to take better care of yourself, of course). Allow yourself to open up by testing the waters and allowing yourself to be vulnerable in small and comfortable doses — you'll find that more people are trustworthy and able to relate to your experiences than you previously assumed. You may notice that the people around you become unconsciously self-centered during Cancer Season, as getting swept up in their own emotions will prohibit them from being able to understand your perspective. Choose the right time to have serious discussions by waiting for people to calm down; this way, you'll maximize your chances of being able to compromise or seek common ground.

The Moon is the astrological planetary ruler of Cancer, which will be in a powerful position on the first day of the season. The Moon will merge with lucky Jupiter in Aries, so prepare for emotional shifts and a heightened need for independence and freedom. Avoid denying yourself the comfort or reassurance from others that you need because you have your guard up or you’re insistent on getting on with things independently, and embrace this emotionally (rather than physically) active energy.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


This Cancer Season is all about making fond memories, reconnecting with your family through personal time together, and bringing back your favorite family traditions. Your focus will be on maintaining your inner peace, so you’ll realize you have less tolerance toward people who aren’t considerate of your feelings, causing you to come across as crabby or irritable. Take it easy, reconnect to your roots, and give the people you trust a chance to understand your deepest feelings.


You’ll find it easier to form closer bonds with people through open conversations this season. Don’t hold back on sharing how you feel — you’ll find that your loved ones (especially your friends and siblings) will be able to relate to you a lot more than you realize. Expect to face challenges when it comes to your awareness. You may clash with people if you’re too stubborn with your point of view and unable to consider an alternative perspective.


Cancer Season will be a season of self-care and understanding for you. It’s time to turn your focus inward and explore your deepest insecurities and how you can take more responsibility for your healing. You may become more concerned with your income and saving or spending habits. Try not to allow this to develop into possessive tendencies; instead, create an easy-to-manage financial plan and avoid overspending money when your emotions are deeply involved.


It’s your season! This month, the spotlight will be on you, your emotional attachments, and your ability to comfort and be comforted by others. You may notice people are more drawn to you, allowing you to form stronger bonds. However, watch out for feeling too dependent or possessive; it’s great to feel a sense of security in the presence of the people you love and trust, but your sense of love and acceptance should first come from within you.


It’s time to explore your subconscious feelings and emotional barriers as Cancer Season will illuminate the depths of your mind. This season, you'll face the truth about your emotional attachments, how you’ve projected unhealthy expectations onto others, and how you can let people into your inner world. Learn to recognize when your motivations are self-focused and whether you're holding onto grudges that are affecting your ability to trust.


You’ll be encouraged to get out more and socialize this season; however, you might feel hesitant to do so until you are physically, emotionally, and financially secure. Spend more time with your friends in smaller circles rather than overwhelming large groups — your comfort should be a priority. You’ll feel challenged to tell people how you feel when you’re anxious, rather than maintaining a hardened exterior, only to complain that nobody understands you.


Sensitive Cancer Season will challenge you to meet your responsibilities without feeling obligated to do more than you're required to or help people who ought to learn things on their own. It’s time to work on your boundaries and remember that you are far more capable without external support or confirmation than you realize. Follow your intuition with career-related matters and create a harmonious balance between your inner and outer worlds.


You’ll feel urged to consider alternate perspectives this Cancer Season, as this is the only way to grow mentally and spiritually. If you have a hardened belief system, consider how your spiritual, philosophical, or religious values offer you a sense of security and whether they are empowering or restraining you. This is a great season to take a vacation, especially with the intention of focusing on reaching new levels of spiritual consciousness with a loved one or exploring different cultures.


You'll be working on your ability to trust people again this Cancer Season, especially if you’ve recently experienced challenges in your relationships with family members or painful life lessons on betrayal, sacrifice, and growth. Consider if you are holding emotional attachments to the past or resentments towards people who have hurt you and how you can understand your feelings without drowning in your emotions.


Your one-on-one partnerships (romantic, platonic, and business partners) will take center stage this month, which could see you starting new relationships or strengthening existing ones. Make sure that the people you allow to get close to your energy field are people who are trustworthy and able to meet your expectations and don’t hold back from asking for reassurance and comfort when you need it.


Get ready to feel a deeper sense of satisfaction and joy this month, as sensitive Cancer Season will deepen your emotional involvement with your work and daily lifestyle. Pouring time into maintaining a structured yet exciting routine will make you feel fulfilled. Make sure your decisions are conscious, intentional, and purposeful, and learn to compromise with colleagues when you have conflicting project ideas or visions.


Focus on bringing more joy into your life through dating, creativity, and authentic self-expression. Be yourself (the real you rather than the version you want others to see) and follow your intuitive instincts, even if nobody else understands why you’re up late at night writing or making art. Avoid dramatizing your experiences and embrace your natural maternal instincts without overstepping people’s boundaries (even if your intentions are pure).

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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