Are You Having A Spiritual Awakening? Look Out For These Signs Of Enlightenment

Do you feel that – the sacred and eternal life force in your body? The selfless protection of Mother Earth who keeps you in her warm embrace? Your connectedness to all life forms that inhabit this planet? The presence of the divine universe that flows through you, guiding you on your destined pathway? You have awakened. But, if you aren’t tuned into the heartbeat of this heavenly planet and your own spiritual essence, that’s okay. If you are here, reading these words, I believe the layers of your unconscious mind have unraveled just enough for you to taste spiritual truth. A spiritual awakening is just that – the birth of a higher awareness. 

Remember your divine essence

If astrology is the translation of cosmic activity – a philosophy for self-exploration and worldly understanding – and you, sweet soul, are embodying and responding to the energy of the universe, consciously and unconsciously in every moment – what does that make you? I’ll tell you. The universe is a conscious life force that lives through you – you are the universe expressing itself in human form. Don’t fixate on the words. Interchange ‘the universe’ with whatever rings true for you – God, source. It’s one and the same.

The only way to realize this truth – to awaken – is to feel and experience it for yourself. Slow down. Be still. Connect to your breath. Feel the sensations within your body – the movement of energy. The real you is the limitless and eternal consciousness within, not your external identity. You are not a blip in space, living without purpose or reason. You are not your labels, your job, your opinions, your successes, or your failures. The universe’s unique intelligence is encoded within every cell of your being – you are not a separate entity.

Recognize your connectedness

Realizing you are the universe incarnate – creation itself – is the gateway to a deeper spiritual truth: so is everyone and everything around you. A spiritual awakening expands your empathy and understanding as you feel your connection to all life forms. All expressions of judgment are transmuted into acceptance at this high level of consciousness. All intentions to inflict harm onto others are dissolved. You are no longer perceiving other beings through the lens of your differences, but the appreciation of the same consciousness that flows through you – the same cosmic frequency and zodiacal archetypes, just presented in a unique composition.

Liberate yourself from your mind

A spiritual awakening lifts the veil that has distorted your perception of reality; you can differentiate who you are (the observer of your thoughts) from the voice of your unconscious (egoic) mind, conditioned through education and upbringing, through the media and society, through historical, cultural, and societal influences. In comes a deeper awareness – that your human mind is in constant pursuit of something to attach itself to. An idea. A belief. A story. An identity. Of course, you are conditioned – because you are guided through life by other conditioned minds rather than the clarity of intuition. Now, it’s time for you to come home.

By shining the light on your unconscious mind, you go further into a blissful and meditative stillness that isn't filled with restless and compulsive mental chatter. You feel the strain of anxiety and fear collapsing beneath you; when it speaks up, you know exactly what it is and can observe it without being consumed by its dangerous spiral.

Release your fear

After awakening, you are able to meet yourself at deeper levels – digging up your instinctual patterns from the root rather than living life on autopilot. You can detangle yourself from your attachments – the fear and dissatisfaction that keep you chasing future fulfillment or the fear and pain that keep you tethered to the past. You can acknowledge your instinct to compare, compete, react, escape, and create unnecessary challenges for yourself. You may need to shed these layers again and again as you uncover how deep they are sewn, but you are observant, kind, and self-accountable.

What causes a spiritual awakening?

Standing in the ashes of what your life once was – who you once were – after experiencing deep pain, loss, or suffering can force you into an awakened state. Through the intense pressure of lived experience, destruction, and disaster, you may witness the death of your unconscious (egoic) mind, which is deeply attached to your troubles, and experience the renewal of your spiritual essence. A new reality is birthed through your awareness. The veil that has colored your perception of reality is lifted, and you surrender to everything that is.

The deep questioning of why things are the way they are can activate a spiritual awakening. Uncomfortable reflections on the destructive nature of humanity, society, and its systems and hierarchies can plunge you into a portal of realization. There's a bigger picture – something more profound is aligning that is to be felt rather than explained. Through this new realm of awareness, you feel the total presence of the divine power conspiring to bring about global transformation by awakening more conscious beings – you. By freeing yourself from the cycle of your own internal suffering – anchoring into presence and peace – you end the unconscious cycle of pouring more darkness into the world (anything that manifests through anger, hatred, resentment, fear, and pain). The Buddha called this state of awareness enlightenment.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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