Your Guide To Aries Season 2020: Take Action In The Astrological New Year

The Sun is exalted in Aries, marking the beginning of the Astrological year and the Spring Equinox. There's a great shift in energy as the sun leaves the gentle, thoughtful Pisces and enters the bold, cardinal Aries. Any creative ideas and dreams that were gathered during Pisces Season can now be turned into projects and plans of action under the determined and fiercely active Aries energies.

Saturn Enters Aquarius

On March 22, Saturn will enter Aquarius where he is in domicile (at rulership). He will remain here until his June retrograde period during which will retreat back into Capricorn, his other ruling position. Saturn is comfortable, strong, and high-functioning in Aquarius. The themes of this transit will be a collaborative focus on structures and sacrifice of personal freedom for the benefit of wider society.

New Moon In Aries

The New Moon at 4° Aries will arrive on March 24, symbolizing a fresh start and an opportunity to get started on our goals. This determined Aries energy influences us to impulsively and assertively get a head start on our plans for the upcoming month. Aries often gets ahead of himself or spreads himself too thinly over too many commitments and projects due to his passion for experiences. This is an opportunity to explore, both yourself and your surroundings without completely committing yourself just yet. Get inspired. Get active. Get spontaneous.

Venus Harmonizes With Jupiter In Capricorn

On March 27, Venus in Taurus will be trine Jupiter in Capricorn. Venus is at home in Taurus, operating at a high potency. However, Jupiter in Capricorn is restrained and in fall. Despite this, a trine is a harmonious aspect that brings luck and love when these two planets form a relationship. We'll feel a greater sense of relaxation under this aspect, indulging in all sensory and material pleasures under the swirling Venusian energies. There is a great chance that we'll be drawn towards forming new relationships during this time. However, the energies of Capricorn will cause us to become skeptics over the intentions of others and non-committal if we still haven't got them figured out.

Mars Enters Aquarius

Mars enters Aquarius on March 30 and the theme is revolution. When powerful, passionate Mars transits Aquarius, we're driven for change and confident in all of our ideas and solutions. We're activists. Warriors for our cause, even. Our intellect is our sword and the backing of society is our shield. Mars in Aquarius is a game changer. He's an innovator and the finder of solutions to the wider problems of society. Frustrations may arise if those around us aren't playing active parts in the revolution, and we may become overly passionate and take on far more than we had originally planned.

Neptune Merges With Mercury In Pisces

There will be a Neptune-Mercury conjunction at 19° Pisces on April 3, which opens the gateways to magical thinking, creative expression, and heightened intuitive awareness. This aspect affects our ability to recall memories, which influences us to keep our eyes open wider. There's an increasing haziness that will make sharing accurate information difficult. You may get caught up in the illusion of lies and find yourself in more misunderstandings. However, this powerful cosmic alignment also unlocks our creative prowess, activates our psychic gifts, and increases our compassion and empathy.

Venus Enters Gemini

Venus will enter Gemini on April 4 leading up to its retrograde transit in May. When transiting Gemini, Venus is flirty and free-spirited; this transit is definitely a breath of fresh air and keyword: casual. We're drawn towards light-hearted conversations and anything new that catches our eye but are reluctant to make any commitments at this time. This is a time for embracing our child-like curiosity to explore both the external world and ourselves in order to accumulate new knowledge.

Jupiter Blends With Pluto In Capricorn

Expansive Jupiter will be in strong conjunction with Pluto in the powerful and structured Capricorn at 24°53' on April 4, suggesting that a transformation of power is well on its way. We will be highly motivated, craving change and breakthroughs. Positive career news and new opportunities are highly possible when we embrace the focused energies of this aspect and truly organize and apply ourselves. This is a time for being disciplined in order to get ahead.

Full Moon In Libra

On April 8, we'll experience a Full Moon at 18°44' Libra. This Super Moon is nicknamed the 'Pink' Moon and carries magical properties of discovery, growth, and change. This Full Moon places an emphasis on bringing issues to the surface so that solutions can be offered in order for us to move forward. We're striving to create a more harmonious life for ourselves in order to achieve a greater sense of well-being and comfort within our own space. This is a time for retrospection and looking towards the future. Celebrate all that you've accomplished thus far, and embrace the theme of balance, cooperation, and partnerships.

Mercury Enters Aries

Mercury will Enter cardinal Aries on April 10, influencing us to be clearer and direct with our thinking and communication. We may experience a new boost of confidence when it comes to expressing ourselves and speaking our minds. But of course, this will increase our chances of speaking before we've had time to process our own thoughts or the thoughts of others. Mercury in Aries is bold and instinctive, causing us to speak faster than our minds are able to keep up. Be wary of causing confrontations by sharing your thoughtless opinions.

The Sun Challenges Pluto

The Sun in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn will form a square within 1.4° on April 14, illuminating our wounds that are yearning to be healed. We're challenged during this aspect to not lose sight of the essence of who we are when we're faced with external extremes. Rather than fearing this aspect we must see it as a time of new opportunities and inevitable transformation. We're learning to address our pain with empathy and honesty in order to be reborn into a settled state in which we understand ourselves to a deeper level.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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