Everything You Need To Know About Mercury In Aries

Mercury is the planetary ruler of mindset and communication. When transiting Aries, Mercury embodies the fiery, passionate, and determined energy of this sign, making us more socially active. You will feel bold and opinionated under this transit and could notice that others are more likely to express their thoughts, regardless of whether they were called to or not. Mercury in Aries will encourage you to step up as a leader, especially when you're passionate about a project and have bright ideas that you're eager to share. However, learning how to be a leader without being overbearing and demanding will be essential to succeed. Work on motivating your team members instead of taking over tasks that you believe you can do better yourself.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign which makes its energy highly reactive. You will notice that you become more defensive when confronted by others during this transit, especially when people challenge your ideas or the validity of your truth. It’s essential that you develop your awareness of how you express yourself when you’re passionate, under pressure, or in the heat of the moment. Do you say words that you don’t mean? Do you raise your voice? Do you speak really quickly? Do you get angry or aggressive when you’re frustrated? Consider how you can express yourself authentically without causing your conversations to escalate.

Steer Away From Aggression

Setting healthy conversational boundaries is a great way to use this transit to better your life experiences. Making it clear to people which topics are off-limits and how you’d like to be spoken to should be done in ways that are clear and assertive rather than aggressive. Learning how to work through your tempers is a great way to better yourself. Notice what triggers you in conversations and explore different mindful techniques (breath work, grounding, meditation, talking it out with a friend, writing it down) that can help you soothe your quick temper. Avoid any inclinations toward aggression until you’re ready to have an upfront yet level-headed conversation, as this behavior will distract people from your intentions and feelings.

Mercury in Aries will influence you to impulsively say yes to new opportunities. Expect this optimistic transit will spark your youthful enthusiasm for life. You’ll be more focused on living for the thrill and bringing back a sense of adventure and excitement into your everyday life, which could influence you to book a last-minute trip or tag along somewhere new with someone you know. Embrace the excited, creative, and active energy of this transit by channeling your passion in constructive ways.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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