Black Moon Lilith In Leo Signals A Time To Connect To Your Sexual & Creative Energy

Black Moon Lilith will spend 9-months transiting lively and passionate Leo — from January 8, 2023, to October 3, 2023 — bringing challenges to connect to your instinctive passion for life and to be proud of who you are, regardless of how other people react toward you. The Last time Black Moon Lilith transited Leo was from March 4, 2014, to November 27, 2014 — so, think back to this time of your life and consider how the themes of creativity, sexuality, loyalty, and self-love showed up during this time.

This empowered and primal energy will motivate you to express your desires without fear or shame. Black Moon Lilith is a unique astrological entity that isn’t actually a planet. Black Moon Lilith is a geometrical point calculated by the furthest point of the Moon’s orbit in the sky. When Black Moon Lilith takes on the characteristics of fixed fire sign Leo, its untamed feminine energy will urge you to trust your instincts and follow your heart in all matters.

Live passionately

The strengthening of your ‘me’ persona during this transit will boost your self-interest, encouraging you to embrace the praise, rewards, and recognition you deserve rather than shying away from the spotlight. Your journey toward radical self-acceptance will bring new challenges to express yourself with freedom and courage. Expect to feel called to stand up for others while Black Moon Lilith transits Leo. You may even notice that celebrities and children become more outspoken on subjects they are passionate about and will hold firm in their beliefs if faced with opposition.

Stand up for yourself

Black Moon Lilith in Leo may increase your desire to express your sexual energy in a fun and lighthearted way. An increased number of intimate connections — or in polarity, the absence of romantic partners — will teach you a lot about being confident, celebrating yourself and your body, and having fun. New tests and challenges may push you to rebel against systems, structures, or people who deny you the freedom to express yourself creatively. Uninspiring and grey environments that have suppressed your colorful heart and mind may feel more draining than usual. However, you will learn the importance of standing your ground with grace and dignity rather than becoming a force of destruction when things aren’t going your way.

If you have Black Moon Lilith in Leo in your birth chart

If your natal Black Moon Lilith resides in Leo, you will experience your Black Moon Lilith return during the coming months. This occurs when Black Moon Lilith comes back to the position it was in at the time of your birth, merging (aka, forming a conjunction) with natal Lilith in your birth chart. During this time, Black Moon Lilith’s energy is supercharged and magnetized in your life, bringing intense effects. 

During your Black Moon Lilith return, dare to stand up, speak out, and defend yourself when your boundaries are crossed. Expect to be presented with opportunities to reconnect with passions, interests, hobbies, and activities that you were shamed for enjoying in your childhood. You may even learn new lessons through the children in your life. It’s time to take your power back and remember that you must choose not to let feelings of rejection, anger, pain, and loneliness hold you back. Stop trying to fit in where you were born to stand out; your Black Moon Lilith return will bring rewards when you accept who you are at the core of your being despite opposition or being misunderstood.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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