Black Moon Lilith In Virgo 2023-2024: Free Yourself From Patterns Of Self Victimization
Guiding you through the depths of your shadows and inner darkness, Lilith’s journey through Virgo invites you to do the inner work to heal your wild and untamed instincts.
Behind The Aquarius Archetype: A Deep Look At The Visionary Of The Zodiac
Innovative Aquarius is the 11th archetype of the zodiac, and the 3rd air sign, ruled by karmic Saturn and innovative Uranus.
Black Moon Lilith In Leo Signals A Time To Connect To Your Sexual & Creative Energy
From January 8 to October 3, 2023, Black Moon Lilith will journey through Leo, boosting your pride and instinctive passion for life.
The 3 Types Of Capricorns & What Makes Them So Different
The 3 decans of Capricorn explain why not all people born under this zodiac sign have the same personality. Here's what you need to know.
The 3 Types Of Sagittarius
All Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter and have a second co-ruling planet. Here’s what you need to know about the 3 Sagittarius decans.
The 3 Types Of Leos
Leo's are gloriously different! Their unique second ruling planet has a dramatic influence over their personality.
The Aries Zodiac Sign: The Warrior, Pioneer & Champion
Aries, the first zodiacal archetype, represents initiation, fearlessness, and heroic leadership.
Black Moon Lilith In The Zodiac Signs: Your Wild & Divine Feminine Energy
Explore the hidden meanings of Black Moon Lilith, the dark and sensual Goddess, through the 12 astrological houses and zodiac signs.
The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: The Priestess, Philosopher & Sage
Adventurous and free-spirited Sagittarians are the motivational speakers, world travelers, and philosophers of the zodiac.
Editor’s Picks
Horoscopes are designed to be read according to your rising sign as this archetype signifies the divine energy of your life path.
Celebrities who share your Venus sign will hold similar attitudes toward love and heartbreak.
Your past life may be the key to understanding your soul, karmic history, and greater destiny.
“Pluto in Aquarius signifies an evolutionary chapter of collective transformation. Though similar in its frequency, it is not the same as the sacred Earth cycle, the Age of Aquarius.”
For the first time in 83 years, Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus to support the expansion and elevation of your outlook and awareness.
The power and placement of your Jupiter sign indicates how to activate your spiritual and divine gifts to manifest lucky opportunities.
Here's what you need to know about manifestation, who's naturally good at it, and when is the best time to influence magnificent change in your life.
The August 8 Lion's Gate Portal opening will launch you toward your destiny and activate your intuition and mystical power.
This conjunction is a rare cosmic alignment that hasn’t occurred since 1856.
Clear the energetic-blocks that hinder your growth to activate the force of your manifesting power.
Career Elevation
This March invites you to find new ways to balance working hard and indulging in life's pleasures. Assess your finances with a close eye.
Gemini and Cancer, success is within reach. But these obstacles will teach you to take responsibility for your life and achievement in 2023.
Change is on the horizon, and Aries, Capricorn, and Pisces will feel the biggest impact on their financial life. Here's what you need to know.
This intense cosmic alignment affirm that we are going through a global breakdown before our revolutionary breakthrough.
energy healing
“Aligning your Chakras and understanding your unique composition of energy will help you restore and harmonize the sacred flow within.”
Plants aren’t just a beautiful feature for your sanctuary but a natural source to purify your energy.
Here's what the element of your zodiac sign says about your aura, personality, and what people think of you.
Mars retrograde heralds a vulnerable chapter – an invitation to review your patience, pride, shyness, or shame.
Re-envisioning your beliefs and questioning what you consider truth paves the way for a wiser path in 2025.
Philosophical reconsiderations and moral questioning will transform your perspective during Mercury retrograde.
This healing cycle invites you to reconnect with your truth and curb negative self-talk.
Expect 5-months of karmic lessons, conscious readjustments, and realistic assessments of your fears and boundaries.
Collectively, we are acknowledging harsher truths and restoring our anchor during Neptune's deep-healing retreat.
Neptune retrograde in delirious Pisces reminds you that you cannot find clarity or presence without facing reality.
Hit the ground running because this year's energy slows toward the end, under humbling Mars retrograde.
You’re undergoing a spiritual transformation and attuning your mind to a new awareness to evolve.
Your values and beliefs should be evident in your actions and energy. 2023 is your chance to re-align and re-evaluate what's important to you.
Harness this year's energy to dream big and believe in your ability to turn a creative idea into a tangible project.
Say 'yes' to new opportunities wisely in 2023; if it's not aligned with your personal goals, it's not worth your time!
The seeds you plant this year will lead to meaningful change and an abundant future. Explore paths you haven't traveled before.
Allow yourself to be seen for who you truly are, Scorpio, and navigate 2023 with fearlessness and authenticity.
Let your hair down, be adventurous, and journey toward your dreams in 2023. The world is your oyster, and all roads lead to fun!
The past may be unchangeable and the future uncertain, but this year is your chance to expand and flirt with the freedom of the unknown.
Life's a stage and you're a rockstar, Leo. Step out of the shadows and remember that love and praise should come from within first.
It's time to bring out your old journal. 2023 will bring enlightening insights that teach you to look beyond the veil of what is obvious.
Take it easy this year, Gemini. Moments of pause, rest, and contemplation are essential to healing and cultivating a brighter future.
Get ready for an empowering year! It's time to take responsibility for your life and assert yourself with calmness and control.
The March 19-20 spring equinox and astrological new year challenges you to consciously accept your fate by valuing and understanding your past for what it is.