Jupiter In Aries 2022-2023 Dares You To Create Your Own Luck & Fortune

Jupiter is on the move again, resuming its journey through bold Aries on December 20, 2022. No, this isn't deja-vu! Jupiter — the planet that oversees philosophies, luck, and expansion — already spent 5 months in confident and assertive Aries, beginning on May 10, 2022, before it's retrograde caused this cosmic giant to moonwalk back into its rulership zodiac sign, Pisces, on October 28, 2022. This lucky and abundant energy, paired with the go-getter attitude of the Aries zodiac sign, will inflate your self-belief and spark your initiative to overcome your fears and take control of your destiny.

You may notice that the people around you adopt an all-or-nothing attitude as Jupiter moves through fiery Aries. Allow their courage, optimism, and motivation to inspire you, but remember, having some things go your way is always better than having nothing at all. It may be easier to spot new opportunities and take the lead over the next 5 months, just make sure your interest in seeing yourself win doesn't cause you to eclipse others — there's room for everyone to shine! Jupiter's voyage through Aries will end on May 16, 2023, once Jupiter shifts into affectionate and materialistic Taurus.

Believe in yourself and your potential

Jupiter is the planet of wealth, growth, and luck that expands and illuminates everything within its energetic reach. Aries, however, is the high-energy cardinal fire sign of the zodiac, recognized for being an initiator, passionate creator, and impulsive leader. Enterprising Aries actively chases adventures and lives for the thrill of life, and abundant Jupiter draws our attention to our future and the world around us — inspiring us to go on solo, long-distance travels and expand our mental horizons. Taking a leap of faith will lead us on new journeys and adventures that will help us form a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. 

This transit will bring a surge of drive and determination to follow our dreams and get started on the projects we’ve spent too long thinking over. Believing in ourselves and our ability to achieve will come with ease as Jupiter’s fiery voyage removes our self-doubt and elevates our self-belief and optimism. Spiritual Jupiter is also the planet that governs our faith and belief in a higher power. When Jupiter transited intuitive and other-worldly Pisces, it was easier to rely on our spiritual or religious beliefs when times got tough. We relied on hope when we couldn’t comprehend what was happening in the world around us and trusted the universe to guide us through any challenges we could not see a way through. In contrast, Jupiter in Aries could prompt a rise in activism as more people will step up to share their opinion and judgement on how world issues ought to be handled. 

Take a stand and don't fear positions of leadership

This independent energy will turn our focus on the individual self rather than the collective. Self-interested actions and an inflated sense of self may be a manifestation of this energy shift, but seeing people stand up for their own needs and interests, could inspire others to take a stand on the matters that are important to them too. As the planet responsible for inflation, Jupiter’s transit through Aries will speed up our thought-to-action process, allowing us to put ourselves out there when opportunities arise. You could make rash judgments that you can’t take back or start projects out of boredom, only to abandon them when you lose the spark of inspiration and excitement.

Work with this energy to strengthen your confidence, but avoid falling into a habit of putting yourself at the center of every story. Trust your gut instincts but take your time to form judgments against others and try to keep an open mind. Sharing your opinions will position you as a leader, making this the opportune time to demonstrate your bravery. You have the power to create ripples by standing up for what you believe in and motivating others to do the same. Put yourself out there to be in the right place at the right time to receive lucky opportunities and stop waiting around for luck to find you — fortune favours the bold!

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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