The 3 Types Of Sagittarius

Despite being born during the same season, not all Sagittarians are the same. Adventurous and optimistic Sagittarius Suns (those born between November 22 to December 21 approx.) are all ruled by Jupiter — the planet of spirituality, growth, and morals — which is why they share a similar scholarly, aspirational, and confident nature. However, Sagittarians also have a co-ruling planet determined by the decan of Sagittarius season that they were born under. Decans are a further division of every zodiac sign, which offers an additional layer of insight into the unique energy of a single season and the personalities born during it. So, Jupiter will always be the ruling planet of Sagittarius, but it is still worth knowing which other planet your Sun sign is influenced by!

It’s important to check your birth chart for the precise placement (by degree) of your Sun! Dates may vary as Sagittarius season dates shift.

Sagittarians Born From November 22 To December 1

As a first decan Sagittarius, you are co-ruled by Mercury — the planet of mindset, intellect, and analysis. You pride yourself on exploring life’s deeper questions and finding explanations and answers, making you a force to be reckoned with in any philosophical conversation or debate. Though you may have a tendency to be dogmatic, opinionated, or judgemental in your views, you are recognized for your wide spectrum of knowledge and are applauded for your honesty. You mustn’t overlook the importance of mindfulness practices that help slow down the inner workings of your mind, as they will support you in controlling your restless overthinking.

Sagittarians Born From December 2 To 11

If you were born during the second decan of Sagittarius season, you are a natural dreamer and may often find yourself living in the future. You have strong Lunar energy as you are co-ruled by the Moon — the astrological planet that oversees emotional fluctuations and your inner world. People adore your inspired energy, thoughtfulness, and intuitiveness; you always have the best well-timed advice that resonates with those who need guidance. However, you may steer toward over-exaggeration when your feelings are deeply involved in conversations. It’s your open and optimistic mind that makes you a visionary leader and causes you to stand out from the crowd.

Sagittarians Born From December 12 To 21

As a third decan Sagittarius, you exude wisdom and have the aura of an old soul. You are co-ruled by Saturn — the planet of authority, karma, and responsibility — gifting you with an effortless sense of seniority, which influences others to put you in positions of leadership. Regardless of your traditional education, you have a tremendous amount of lived experience and worldly insight, which inspires others to trust and believe your opinions and judgment. Be wary of rambling and lecturing people when you’re passionate and knowledgeable about a subject, as you may inadvertently come across as pretentious. Nevertheless, you are admired for your high aspirations, grounded attitude, and faithfulness.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

Connect with Alexandria: InstagramYoutubeTwitterFacebook


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