Full Supermoon In Capricorn, 2022 Signifies Your Final Climb To The Heights Of Success

On July 13, the full supermoon will align in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer, bringing dramatic endings that will reward you for your hard work and empower you to start taking your ambitions seriously. As a magnetic supermoon, this full moon will appear bigger and brighter in the sky, making it twice as powerful and influential. Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and the divine feminine manifestation of Saturnian energy. The full moon in this pragmatic and controlled Earth sign will encourage you to tread carefully and condense your greater plans into slow, steady, and simple steps to ensure you reach the top of the mountain. Get ready for dramatic endings and energetic releases that will cause you to mature and approach your financial and material goals with a newfound drive and determination.

It’s time to wise up

The full moon will align at 21 degrees Capricorn, which is under the dual influence of solar energy, making this lunation authoritative, proud, and diligent. The endings or moments of achievement that you experience around this time will be powered by your personal efforts and determination to strive toward your goals, regardless of what held you back in the past. However, this full moon won’t be acting alone as it will also be influenced by the intense and transformational glare of Pluto retrograde, which will move through Capricorn during this lunation.

This close alignment between Pluto and the full moon will pressure you to grow up and transform the way you’ve been pushing toward your goals rather than the goals themselves. The Plutonian nature of this full moon will urge you to face the shadows of your subconscious mind and take accountability for the ways you’ve blocked your own progress by approaching tasks with the wrong mindset or not taking your plans seriously. You may have been naïve to think you can achieve big with minimal effort, but now it’s time to wise up!

Expect to feel more sensitive

The Sun — which is always opposite the Moon during a full moon — will align at 21 degrees Cancer, bringing a sensitive polarity to this full moon. Opportunities to tend to your innermost feelings in the area of your life represented by the Cancerian archetype will help you reap the rewards of your goals. (For personalized insight, read your full supermoon horoscope). The Sun will closely align with Mercury in the 17th degree of Cancer, bringing a thoughtful and intuitive air to this full moon. This lunation is the perfect opportunity to trust that everything is unfolding for divine reasons and that you will receive the fruits of your labor when you are physically, mentally, and spiritually committed and prepared to succeed.

Prioritize your long-term goals and investments

The planetary ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, meaning this is the celestial body that will represent the general activity of this lunation. Saturn — who is currently retrograde — will transit visionary Aquarius, causing you to be resistant toward the people who are highlighting to you that it’s time for you to take responsibility for the future you want, even if deep down you agree with them. Thankfully, Saturn retrograde will form a harmonious relationship with Venus in Gemini, bringing a positive spin to this lunation.

As one of the most favorable planets in the sky, Venus in Gemini’s connection with Saturn will boost your commitment to your long-term goals and investments, and make it easier for you to mentally focus on how you can call in material and financial abundance. Alongside the full moon, Venus will make a challenging connection with Neptune retrograde in Pisces, hinting that you mustn't let your hope to turn things around at the last minute lead you toward disappointments. Remember, the sudden increase in efforts you put in now won’t lead to immediate results — especially if you’ve been procrastinating for a while. Prioritize your dreams and goals now so you don't have to worry about the future.

Looking for personalized insights? Click here to read your full moon horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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