Mars In Taurus, 2022 Signals A Time To Make Slow & Steady Progress — Here’s your Horoscope

Mars has officially entered Taurus, bringing steady and consistent energy to your drive and determination that will last from July 5 to August 20, 2022. This grounded and level-headed alignment will cause you to consider whether you're focused on distance over speed and if you're evenly distributing your energy across your priorities. The upcoming 46 days of Mar's powerful yet uncomfortable move through Taurus will challenge you to decipher when it’s time to take action and when it’s time to focus on steady and long-lasting growth.

Move with intention

Sensual Taurus is traditionally associated with its ruling planet Venus, so when Mars — Venus’ opposite — moves through this zodiac sign, it’s actually in a position of discomfort — aka detriment. Taurus — a rigid and sustainable Earth sign — will steady the impulsive Martian energy, asking you to be intentional with your energy and actions. Preserve your strength and reactions for matters that truly deserve them. Guarantee the material success of your projects by taking the longer and more refined route. Think slow and steady when approaching your goals rather than putting your all into one activity and burning out.

Embrace your inner strength

Mars — the planet that governs your inner warrior — in stubborn Taurus will influence you to defend your actions without surrendering instead of seeking to find common ground with people. Mars' move through Taurus will encourage you to develop your inner strength and ability to stand up for yourself without becoming combative. While you may continue to get frustrated or provoked by others, it'll take longer for people to get a rise out of you. When you find yourself involved in an argument, you'll have a better idea of how to respond to avoid escalation while getting your point across plainly. However, keep in mind Mercury entered sensitive and self-focused Cancer on the same day as Mars entered Cancer, so it's best to avoid serious conversations when you're feeling hyper-emotional or overwhelmed.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Take a steady approach when pushing toward your material goals. Blazing through your work tasks and cutting corners to receive instant gratification may result in sloppy and unfocused work. When taking things one step at a time, you’ll know that your rewards are yours to keep because you’ve put in a stronger and more consistent effort to earn them.


Mars is in your sign, calling you to be proud of who you are and assert yourself when people try to cross your boundaries. You may notice that you become irritated by people a lot quicker. Be decisive with your decisions and clear with your intentions and desires without allowing them to draw a heated reaction out of you.


Your unconscious self-defence mechanisms may be causing you to become overly stubborn or resistant toward people who have good intentions. Explore your mental attitudes surrounding your independence, inner security, and feelings toward money and materialism, and consider how they contribute to your actions and motivation.


Expect to feel more independent as Mars transits Taurus. Your focus will turn toward your material goals and dreams, but achieving them will require you to move cautiously and keep the right people around you who want to support you without controlling or manipulating you. Develop your inner strength by learning when to say ‘no’ to people.


Your attention will turn toward a new goal or wider ambition, which will require you to reign in your impulses and make calculated and grounded decisions that will take you from where you are to where you’d like to be. Consider what is already on your plate and how you can use these tools and frameworks to call in more success.


Develop your personal philosophies so that the movements you make in life are grounded in your deeper belief system and values. This will help you to bring meaning and intention back to the choices you make each day which may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of your life. This is a great time to book a vacation that will broaden your horizons.


Now is the best time for you to successfully push through the hardships and obstacles you’ve recently faced and to put in a consistent effort to invest in your future. Take one active step forward each day to demonstrate your commitment to bettering yourself — such as putting money aside for your savings.


If you've recently taken things to the next level in your relationships, Mars' move through Taurus is an opportunity for you to sustain things as they are now rather than moving forward. Take the lead when it comes to acts of romance and make sure you are certain of what you want before you make a move on someone.


Mars in Taurus will motivate you to prioritize your well-being by getting into a consistent and positive daily routine. Consider how your fast-paced energy has caused you to rush through life and cut corners where your health is concerned and how you can pay better care and attention to your inner needs.


Over the next two months, prioritize the people and activities that bring joy into your life. Express yourself passionately, even if the people around you don’t enjoy the same things as you, and get ready for new lovers to appear in your life as Mars dials up your desire for romance and intimate connections.


Bring your attention back to your home life and whether you have allocated enough time and focus toward building solid foundations that will support your wider ambitions. Take your time to regain a sense of inner stability and strength that you may have lost, and prepare for stubborn conflicts with family members.


People may be provoked by your assertive judgments and stubbornness — especially if they're trying to sway you to side with them in conversations. Stand your ground, trust your inner voice, and stand by your true feelings, even if speaking your truth frustrates other people.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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