The Full Moon In Gemini, 2023 Warns You Against Saying Something You Will Regret

A chapter in your life comes to a bitter end under the full moon in Gemini, serving up heated conversations and a harsh dose of the truth. The full moon urges you to share your point of view without the expectation that this will resolve all your problems. On November 27, the Moon in nervous Gemini, representing your emotions and instincts, opposes the Sun in explorative Sagittarius, symbolizing your willpower and conscious energy. This frustrating stand-off between the Sun and Moon – which is signature of the full moon phase – coincides with dramatic energetic high points and communicative challenges that could lead to the breakdown of relationships.

Share your thoughts openly

The full moon unfolds in chatty air sign, Gemini, signifying your increasing interest in moving forward by having open conversations. The lighthearted, quick-witted, and curious Gemini spirit pushes you to share your thoughts and opinions when you feel challenged by people. The Sun links up with combative Mars – the planet of war – generating wild, restless, loud, and judgemental energy that dominates the full moon. Blunt and melodramatic arguments could ensue, challenging you to find the best way to communicate during heated disagreements. When feelings are blown out of proportion, resist the urge to say something you will regret or forcefully confront issues that you and others cannot see eye-to-eye on. As Saturn – the ruling planet of restriction, karma, and maturity – pressures the Sun, Moon, and Mars during this cosmic line-up, you must learn to assert boundaries and be emotionally resilient in the most uncomfortable situations.

Closure will not satisfy you

Adding to the layers of difficulty of the full moon in Gemini, Mercury – the planet that oversees your mindset and communication – is not well positioned by its location in opinionated Sagittarius. Mercury’s challenging square-up with Neptune retrograde in Pisces reveals that the answers and closure you seek will not leave you satisfied, but you must move on, regardless. Going into conversations with idealistic expectations and a script already in mind will leave you greatly disappointed. Obscured information, clumsy descriptions of details, and exaggerated recounts of feelings and situations will prevent you and others from agreeing on the facts of a matter.

Recognize when it’s time to move on

Relationships will be shaken and fractured by disagreements under the full moon, indicated by romantic Venus in Libra and its karmic connection to the lunar south node of fate. However, if you have stood your ground instead of putting your feelings aside to tell people what they want to hear, then do not think this was all for nothing. Harmony should not come at the expense of dealing with narrow-minded, inconsiderate, and controlling people who are unwilling to consider your experiences and get closure. It’s okay not to get the ending and answers you hoped for. Don’t be hard on yourself for walking away from conversations that weren’t going anywhere. Just because things are tense now does not mean you won't resolve matters in the future.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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