December 2023 Horoscope: Hold Onto Hope When Life Gets Confusing

The final chapter of 2023 brings a period of deep reflection and expansion, pushing you to believe in something greater than yourself – a vision, a purpose, a higher power, and your abundant future. Mercury arrives in mature Capricorn on December 1 to activate your entrepreneurial side, and with the Sun and Mars backing your ambitious and confident energy, you will strategize your way out of your comfort zone with courage.

Focus on turning your wildest dreams into a methodical plan as the tone shifts in your love life. Relationship-planet Venus powers into intimacy-loving Scorpio on December 4, bringing passion and intensity to your love life. Trust, loyalty, and secrecy will characterize developments in your unions, and you may feel conflicted between reality and the rosy visions and deceptions that are more comfortable to believe in as Neptune retrograde ends on December 6th.

Only faith and endurance can carry you when the new moon in abundant Sagittarius inspires you to look for opportunities on December 12. However, expect moments of confusion, disappointment, or regret as you reflect on the quality of your plans and ideas in preparation for 2024 during Mercury retrograde from December 13. Controlled, organized, and responsible Capricorn season brings a fresh dynamic from December 23, and shortly after, the Cancerian full moon ends your journey toward closure and emotional healing.

Asteroid Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Taurus complete their retrograde cycles on December 26 and December 30, reintroducing confident and brave energy into the collective. Your deepest insecurities will no longer be at the front of your mind, and recent spiritual realizations will guide your new understanding of your journey. With one final burst of energy from Venus in larger-than-life Sagittarius, you will express love and gratitude openly and freely from December 29. Spreading positive and uplifting energy to everyone you meet will deeply fulfill you.

  • Want a detailed reading of December’s biggest cosmic alignments? Click here to read our full cosmic overview.

  • Use your rising sign, to read more about how you will experience this upcoming season. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


December activates your entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging you to envision your next career goal without being too ambitious with your expectations. You cannot accomplish all your wildest aspirations in one month; you must be committed to the long road ahead to see the rewards and results you desire. When confusion and doubt invade your mind, don’t be put off by the faults you see in your plans. Few things in life come easy – don’t lose faith in the destiny you are forging.


Don’t fear the unexpected, Taurus. In every redirection lies an opportunity to review your journey and the evolution of your beliefs and life philosophies. As your love life intensifies, consider whether your desires, crushes, and romantic obsessions have caused you to form attachments too quickly. Are your partnerships rooted in trust and loyalty? Or have they been rocked by secrecy, possessiveness, and control? As the month progresses, work on breaking through the stubborn beliefs that have clouded your optimism.


You are entering a heavy period of growth and renewal that will pressure you to analyze your most difficult circumstances and the responsibilities you have avoided. When you feel overwhelmed, realize that you can take a break to find your calm without totally avoiding your problems (which won’t make them go away). This month is an opportunity to bring ease to your future by clearing through the baggage accumulated from your past. Make it your mission to identify the unconscious ways you have held yourself back from healing and progressing through life.


Serious considerations about the future of your relationships are in order. Bring stability back to your love life by putting commitment and longevity at the forefront of your mind, and avoid mistaking bursts of passion and lust as a sign that someone is right for you. If you lose confidence in the strength of your partnerships, avoid discarding your plans and unions in a panic. What appears to be external problems could mirror deeper imbalances within yourself that you must explore with accountability.


You cannot deliver your best work when surrounded by distractions. Put limits and boundaries in place to get the most out of your time in December. You will notice a tremendous impact on your growth, focus, and productivity when you visualize the ideal outcomes you are manifesting to cope with frustrating and tedious tasks. Before 2023 ends, you will face one final huddle to release emotional attachments to the past that prevent you from moving on and finding peace. Closure comes when you are willing to expand.


Strengthen your connections by creating a welcoming space for people to open up in heartfelt conversations. Listening without offering unsolicited advice or solutions will invite people to reveal a hidden side to themselves that helps you understand their true nature. A restoration of your optimism and faith will fuel your hope and leave you itching for more adventures. However, you must review whether a hidden urge to evade problems close to home is fueling your desire to expand your horizons. What are you chasing or running away from?


Reconsider your choices without taking your mistakes personally and questioning your capabilities and character. Some well-needed mental detachment in December will remind you that your errors do not define who you are. Positive cosmic adjustments will balance the intensity of your mind right before the month ends. When you overcome emotional barriers and courageously face your fears and insecurities, you will accelerate toward a career milestone and identify where underlying challenges in your partnerships have come from.


Hold yourself to a high standard in December and make decisions with seriousness and professionalism. When you flaunt your mature side and demonstrate that you can hold yourself accountable, you will make a powerful impression on the right people. Be open to seeing the good in others as Neptune retrograde ends on Dec. 6, restoring the hope that was lost in your love life. You mustn’t allow your pain to harden your heart and prevent you from giving out second chances when earned and deserved.


A new approach to your day-to-day activities will help you achieve your financial targets. Instead of hoping and wishing for your desires to manifest without acknowledging what you can realistically achieve in one month, brainstorm grounded ideas and construct a precise plan of action. You will reduce your chances of giving up or facing disappointments in the future when you are methodical. As the month progresses, emotional closure and healing will help you release your pain and overcome your internal struggles. What do you need to release before the year ends?


Even the best-made plans have their kinks. Don’t beat yourself up when you come to face hurdles and obstacles that you couldn't predict. The universe is presenting you with opportunities to redefine your plans so that you will feel more confident when it's time to execute your ideas. Slowly but surely, your mindset will shift, and your inspiration and can-do attitude will return. In the meantime, consider how you have overloaded yourself with responsibilities and the consequences you are facing from being over-ambitious.


Be mindful of how you empower your inner critic through constant reminders of your failures, burdens, and shame. Overthinking and worrying will put you in a bad mood and cause you to self-isolate instead of reaching out to someone who can help you untangle your thoughts. This December is not an ideal time to make decisions that will alter the direction of your life and the outcome of your goals – especially if you feel depleted and exhausted. Stick to the course you are on.


A relieving end to the harsh reality checks that have thrown you off balance will create space for you to search for the silver lining in your experiences. Applaud yourself for the knowledge, maturity, and wisdom you have acquired thanks to your past and perseverance. Reconsider what you want in life as you redirect your attention to meaningful tasks that align with a greater purpose. You don’t have to know what your final destination will be before you get started.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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