The Spiritual Lessons You Missed Under The Full Supermoon in Aquarius

The powerful Aquarius full supermoon signified an intellectual ending to a chapter that began in January 2023, under the corresponding new moon in Aquarius. This lunation armed you with the courage and brain power needed to resolve a challenge you’ve faced or to take a step closer to a goal, intention, and manifestation. When the Moon in visionary Aquarius faced off with the Sun in radiant Leo (these luminaries always form a perfect opposition at the height of the full moon), the universe instilled you with courage, wisdom, and maturity. However, if you missed the gentle nudge to take actions that would benefit your future, here’s a recap of the full supermoon message for your zodiac sign.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Continuing to put group interests ahead of your dreams and manifestations will only lead to dissatisfaction, Aries. Breakthroughs triggered by the Aquarius full supermoon were the universe’s way of reminding you what matters most to you. Align with your dreams and aspirations, and start prioritizing your happiness. Your dream life isn’t going to manifest all on its own – you’ve got to create it!


The real achievement in life is how you see and praise yourself, not how others reward you. Any career cycles that have recently ended (just before or after the Aquarius supermoon) were the universe’s way of flagging deeper issues relating to your self-worth and achievements. Your diligence and courage aren’t questionable, but how do you feel about yourself when you aren’t at your final milestone? What are you trying to prove?


Allow your profound wisdom to be reflected in all your interactions, Gemini. The most valuable part about the pursuit of knowledge is applying the higher understandings about life and the universe you’ve acquired to offer clarity to others and peace to yourself. Reflect on whether your discoveries and life lessons have been digested and used to improve your optimism and present reality.


Cancer, as you heal the deeper feelings toward your past that you’ve suppressed or denied, you'll come into your power. However, healing cannot transpire without courage and self-honesty. The illuminating full moon guided you out of the darkness by revealing the factors that have diminished your confidence and self-worth. You’ll know you’re on the right track when your awareness expands, allowing you to see new possibilities and options available to you in areas where you used to only see limitations.


Observe how your relationships have stimulated a new understanding of who you are in this life phase and what you want for yourself. Naturally, things ebb and flow in your connections, but what must remain constant is your commitment to personal growth and your ability to serve yourself so that you can show up for others. Consider whether you’ve paid more attention to supporting your loved ones before you’ve filled your own cup. 


You’ve made tremendous progress in steering your life in a positive direction, and the full moon in Aquarius was the universe's way of saying that this calls for commendation! What’s holding you back may no longer be physical but mental and psychological obstacles. Allow your actions and achievements to fuel your confidence, self-trust, and faith (in life, but also in yourself).


When you commit to leading a heart-centered life (one that is authentic and revolves around doing what makes you happy), your burdens will seem insignificant compared to the gratitude and joy that fills your spirit every day. The full moon in Aquarius was an affirmation that it’s safe to start putting your wants, needs, and desires first. Break down your fears, Libra, and do something about the connections or situations that now feel out of place.


Scorpio, you must let go of what once was to move toward your destiny; your emotional attachment to the past and the burdens stored in those memories are holding you back from magnificent growth. The thoughtful new moon illuminated a new perspective toward your past that harbored the power to set you free – were you paying attention? Soothe your worries and anxiety by allowing your loved ones’ reassurance to soothe your inner tension.


Whether it’s an open-minded conversation, clarifying email, or a responsibility that you haven’t had the motivation to fulfill, the Aquarius full moon boosted your brain power and ability to handle these tasks with courage. When putting things off, the universe asks you to consider how your decisions will impact your near future. It’s time to get your life in order, Sagittarius – starting with whatever you're procrastinating on and hoping will resolve itself.


Your recent breakthroughs haven’t occurred by accident! The universe has been sending sudden and unexpected realizations your way to help you come up with ingenious solutions to bring more stability to your life. However, you must use your wisdom to inform better judgments and planning around your spending and saving, time management, and routines. Revisit your detailed plan of progression, Capricorn, and prioritize activities that bring you joy.


You mustn’t hold onto a bleak vision of the future, or you’ll unconsciously resist the universe’s gentle nudges toward growth and change. The full moon in Aquarius empowered your personal transformation and refreshed your understanding of what you’re building toward. Reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself over the last week and how these insights can be used to facilitate stronger connections with others.


Have you prioritized your alone time, Pisces? The psychological full moon in Aquarius asked you to find peace in solitude and soothe the worries and self-doubt that have built up and created tension in your body. Your unhealthy routines and lifestyle patterns mirror your imbalanced and unhealed mind. What is your behavior telling you about your emotional world? What thought patterns and memories do you need to release?

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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