Venus and Mercury retrograde, eclipse season and the cosmic New Year await.
New Moon In Aquarius, 2025: Change Your Mindset To Transform Your Life
The Aquarius new moon synchronizes with lucky Jupiter to upgrade your awareness and alchemize your mind.
Aquarius Season 2025 Horoscope & Cosmic Guidance
Expect plot twists in spontaneous Aquarius season. The universe is on your side, urging you to do the unexpected.
The Full Blue Supermoon In Aquarius Brings Polarity, Frustration & Change
This chaotic full moon comes with a twist. Typically a time of clarity and awareness, this lunation will instead test your intuitive wisdom and intellect.
Pluto In Aquarius Horoscope 2023-2044: Welcome To A New Era
The shifting world order mirrors a new, intense, and liberating era in your personal life.
The Age Of Pisces & The Age of Aquarius: The Next 500 Years For Humanity
We are submerged in the Piscean Age, leading humanity through a collective awakening toward the Age of Aquarius.
New Supermoon In Aquarius: Change Starts In Your Mind Before It Manifests Externally
The energizing and enlightening Aquarius new moon brings flashes of insights that root you in your power and guide you toward sudden, unexpected, and effective change.
Aquarius 2024 Horoscope: Shed Your Labels & Attachments To Rediscover Who You Are
Embrace change at every level and let freedom ring from your lips like a battle cry. Come home to yourself by exploring your identity, life philosophy, and religious ideas.
The Sun Conjunct Pluto 2024 Fundamentally Alters Your Identity
Ready yourself for this tremendous rebirth as the Sun, ruling your self-expression and identity, meets the transformative force of Pluto – the planet of destruction and renewal.
Aquarius Season 2024 Horoscope & Guidance For Your Zodiac Sign
An intense push toward personal transformation will inspire you to set yourself free in Aquarius season. By loving your unique differences, you will learn to understand and accept others.
Pluto In Aquarius: A 21 Year Cycle Of Collective Transformation & Rebirth
The evolution of our shared visions of the future paves the way for a new paradigm rooted in respect for community, diversity, justice, and spiritual intelligence.
The Spiritual Lessons You Missed Under The Full Supermoon in Aquarius
The Aquarius supermoon was an opportunity to resolve challenges and upgrade your life without announcing your next move.
The New Supermoon In Aquarius, 2023 Will Inspire You To Change Your Journey, Not Your Dream
The New Moon in Aquarius is a call to implement logical plans that can realistically support your higher goals and manifestations.
Behind The Aquarius Archetype: A Deep Look At The Visionary Of The Zodiac
Innovative Aquarius is the 11th archetype of the zodiac, and the 3rd air sign, ruled by karmic Saturn and innovative Uranus.
Your Aquarius Season 2023 Horoscope
Intellectual Aquarius season will begin on January 20, urging you to connect with your community, embrace your inner genius, and think outside the box.
These 4 Zodiac Signs Should Prepare For Relationship Challenges & Changes In 2023
Opportunities to strengthen your romantic connections, overcome karmic challenges, and move on from your ex are coming in 2023.
Aquarius: Your 2023 Tarot Card Reading
Harness this year's energy to dream big and believe in your ability to turn a creative idea into a tangible project.
Full Moon In Aquarius, 2022: Disruptive Opportunities Emerge To Upgrade Your Life
Get ready to upgrade your life by steering away from people, routines, and experiences that no longer align with where you’re going.
New Moon In Aquarius, 2022: Take Your Dreams Seriously
Don’t be impulsive! This new moon is all about staying grounded through the process of creation.
Editor’s Picks
“Pluto in Aquarius signifies an evolutionary chapter of collective transformation. Though similar in its frequency, it is not the same as the sacred Earth cycle, the Age of Aquarius.”
The March 19-20 spring equinox and astrological new year challenges you to consciously accept your fate by valuing and understanding your past for what it is.