July 2023 Horoscope: Expect Lessons On Love & Tests Of Courage

This month, the lunar nodes of destiny change zodiac signs — bringing profound karmic lessons and global transformations — and Venus, Neptune, and asteroid Chiron station retrograde, joining Saturn and Pluto which have already begun their cosmic backspin. You’ll develop your self-understanding and courageously face the truth about how your unexplored wounds have fuelled your unconscious instincts. As you journey into regal Leo season — the fifth month of the astrological year — the universe calls you to observe natural shifts to your values and desires and to influence change in your environment to support the version of you that you are today.


Aries, your deepest wounds are rising to the surface this July, begging to be acknowledged and healed. Rise to the occasion, and you’ll develop tremendous courage from proving your insecurities and fears wrong. Slowing down will allow you to calculate your next steps forward with intention. Consider what feelings are powering your motivation to achieve your goals and how you can adjust your approach to live more authentically. Be honest and true to who you are, and avoid romanticizing the past.


As a chapter of learning, studying, traveling, and exploring ends this month, you’ll ponder on your next quest and what you can do to expand your breadth of knowledge and understanding. Turn your focus within instead of looking externally for answers, and you’ll realize that the voice of your inner self can be a marvelous teacher. July offers opportunities for you to cultivate more self-trust and re-explore how your familial relationship and childhood experiences have shaped the nature of your love life today.


Slowly but surely, your hard work is paying off, Gemini, but it’s not over just yet. Brace yourself for karmic lessons on maturity and realism with your expectations and ambitions. This July is your chance to take your time to build solid foundations for your future and prove to yourself how capable you are by committing to achieve short-term goals. Don’t be so self-critical and practice communicating with intention; you’ll feel less regret if you avoid instinctively saying the first thing on your mind.


The universe invites you to offer more care and attention to your personal journey this July. Self-care isn’t selfish, Cancer. By learning to love yourself better, you’ll find that you can offer others support while upholding your boundaries and remaining strong within yourself. Your mental clarity and alertness are increasing, allowing you to see the truth of reality rather than what you want to believe. Pause and consider whether you’re acting in the interests of the best version of yourself. Remember, every decision is an opportunity to break through old patterns.


The diligent efforts you’ve put in to stay on top of your responsibilities (and to pick up others’ slack) haven’t gone unnoticed, Leo. Keep holding yourself to a high standard and resist the temptation to prioritize external progress over your rest and emotional well-being. You’ll reconsider the overall direction you’re moving toward in life this July. Review how you can re-center your life around your pleasure and interests, and think about what makes you feel passionate and excited. Happiness isn’t something to strive toward, it’s a choice you make in the present


With Mars raging through your zodiac sign, be mindful of how your environment triggers your nerves and irritation. Commend yourself for doing the best you can, and watch out for pushing yourself too hard to meet your standards of perfectionism. You might struggle to speak your mind confidently and express what’s on your heart this July. The universe invites you to explore what deeper emotional and psychological wounds are blocking your freedom of expression.


Have you overvalued others’ opinions of you, Libra? It’s time to break the habit of proving yourself to people who you don’t even like. Consider which sides of yourself you choose to show or suppress depending on your surroundings and how your mannerisms or interests change as an unconscious reflection of trying to gain others’ favor and validation. The hidden fears surrounding your love life are surfacing, calling you to address your fears of losing people and how they hinder your ability to be yourself.


This July, you’ll realize how your love life, self-expression, and relationships have been influenced by your unrealistic expectations. As the Sun, Mercury, and Venus journey through your public life — increasing the recognition and praise you receive — work on your ability to embrace the spotlight with grace and without using applause as a benchmark for success. Cheer yourself on, Scorpio, and you’ll always feel like a winner.


A moment of celebration is in order as you achieve a milestone that allows you to take better care of your needs. Don’t diminish the hard work it took to get to where you are today and remember your larger purpose. Opportunities to amend your reputation of overpromising and under-delivering will emerge as Mars in Virgo brings out your reliable and helpful side. However, in your personal and dating life, you may realize that your independent desires have held you back from deepening your connection to others. Rebalance the scales, Sagittarius.


You’ve pushed yourself hard to be the person you are today, but you must consider how your ‘go at it alone’ philosophy has distanced you from opportunities to form deep, emotional, and committed bonds with others. Reflect on the nature of your intimate partnerships (or lack thereof) and how you’ve healed after heartbreak, and reconsider what you want and need in a supportive connection. Your desire to learn and expand is increasing, making this July the perfect time to self-study and book a vacation. Seek opportunities for learning and growth in every experience. 


Aquarius, expect challenged to resist your instinct to speak as if you know what’s best for everyone — especially when dealing with relationship matters. As Venus retrogrades through your love life, you will explore whether your changing needs and interests are being met. As you evolve as an individual, so should the nature of your relationships. Your insistence on acting to prove others wrong may result in accidents, injury, or a failure to achieve what you set out to do. Acknowledge efficient methods and ideas that work, whether these ideas come from you or someone else.


Fantasies of where you expected to be at this point of your life are being cleared by Neptune retrograde in your zodiac sign. Anchor deeper into reality, Pisces, and focus on what is within your control. Your well-intended desire to support your loved ones may have trapped you in a pattern of doing things for them or building resentment when they don’t take on your guidance. Allow others to do things their way, even if you don’t understand their methods or reason.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, and Aries Sun who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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