The Luckiest Day For Love Is Coming Up In June 2022 — Here's What You Need To Know

On June 15, the union between Venus — the planet of attraction, finances, and partnership — and the North Node of destiny will offer a unique opportunity to attract better and brighter experiences, financial gain, and soulmate ties. Unity-seeking Venus will unite with the North Node forming an aspect known as a conjunction (a 0-degree relationship between planets and astrological points where they share the same degree in the zodiacal wheel). This conjunction will align in Taurus, the archetype that Venus feels comfortable and empowered in, offering an amazing opportunity to elevate Venusian themes in your life and move closer to your destiny. Venus is the planet that governs money, materialism, and partnerships of all kinds. The North Node, on the other hand, is a mathematical lunar point that signifies karmic increase and embracing our destined future.

This is the perfect time to call in a soulmate

This powerful conjunction will bring forth everything you are ready for and destined to have in this chapter of your life. This could manifest as material and financial accumulation, a meeting with your soulmate, or a sudden breakthrough that helps you to fully accept and love yourself. If you’re already in a relationship, this conjunction will bring you and your partner closer together or force you to see where there are issues in your relationship if you aren't destined to move forward together. However, if you’re single, you’ll be given new opportunities to form connections with people whose energy you attracted through your earlier manifestations, hopes, and wishes.

Avoid developing materialistic attachments

Venus is also the planet of fertility, art, and femininity, so this conjunction could help you conceive a child if you are trying or birth a new creative idea that will lead to financial goals and deep satisfaction. However, if you already have a creative project in the works, this is a great opportunity to release it into the world. While you should embrace the positive manifestations of this cosmic alignment, try not to form materialistic attachments to the new people and belongings that make their way into your life. If you become tenacious and fixated on wanting and needing more, you’ll only set yourself back further in your spiritual evolution.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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