Your June 2022 Astrological Guide: Go Where Life Takes You
June 2022 Will Highlight How The State Of Your Inner World Mirrors Your External Reality
With a fresh perspective and newly acquired wisdom, comes the opportunity to heal from the past and shift the direction of your life. There's no point in holding onto people or circumstances when the universe calls you to update your physical, mental, and spiritual reality. As you level up in life, you'll attract new challenges and people who are here to teach you more about yourself and what it means to be human. Go where life takes you, and remember that there is beauty in impermanence.
Get Personalized Insights
This month is all about learning how to enjoy yourself and live in the moment while you learn and grow through life's challenges. Two retrogrades will begin this month (Saturn and Neptune), bringing personal and global level reflections that will support you with overcoming karmic limitations and facing your truth. Want a more personalized read? Read your monthly horoscope for more details.
Add These Dates To Your Calendar
There are so many cosmic alignments headed our way that you need to add to your calendar. Head over to the Jupiter Jewel Community to read the full June 2022 astrology forecast, detailing how the most powerful energy of the month will impact you and the collective, plus how you can work with this energy to promote healing and self-betterment.