Everything You Must Know About The Lunar Eclipse In Capricorn, 2020 & How It Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The lunar eclipse (karmic full moon) in Capricorn aligns on July 4/5, 2020, calling you to purge and release the energy that has been holding you back. During this lunation, your awareness of your self-imposed limitations and restrictions will increase, bringing a unique opportunity to set yourself free. What may be an uncomfortable transition at first will lead to a new life direction and healing rebirth.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, And Sagittarius

Seeking solitude in order to really get down to the core of your emotions, and to focus your energy inwards, will serve you well under the eclipse. You're tying up loose ends during this lunation and closing chapters on what may have been difficult work and tough times. By exploring your sensitive nature with others, you could end up triggering reactions or feelings of being misunderstood or confused. Remember, the understanding you seek can be found through introspection and observation. Old feelings are re-surfacing, and you may be addressing problems that you have not completely resolved yet. You may surprise yourself by how you react when faced with the resurgence of these emotions. Anger? Sadness? Frustration?

By healing these foundations, you'll be able to rebuild a stronger sense of self, security, and perspective that will aid you well in your transformation. You're purging old ideas, people, behaviors, habits, and memories, and your most important reminder is to not turn back. Change is healthy, and the universe is guiding you on your course and placing you exactly where you need to be.

You ought to work on your perspective under the energies of the eclipse. Set intentions. Cleanse. Explore your deeper emotions and the reasons behind them in order to let go! This is the only way to ensure that once the shadow of the eclipse has passed, you're moving in the right direction and not backward. It's time to embrace inner healing, growth, accountability, and responsibility. Whilst the universe has a great hand in where you go, you have complete power over your reactions, your perception, and your emotions.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, And Capricorn

Security is a familiar theme for you. However, under the Capricorn influences of this eclipse, emotional security takes priority. This may be challenging as responsibility and practicality don't often align with how we feel on the inside. You're challenged under the eclipse to surrender yourself to the energies of the universe rather than trying to control where you're going and when you're going to get there. The avoidance of addressing your feelings counts as procrastination! Additionally, it isn't healthy for your long-term growth and will affect your productive nature if you're constantly leaving feelings unaddressed and unexplored.

You'll be exploring emotions, triggers, and sensitive areas under this eclipse that you have perhaps left buried for a while. Maybe it's because unpacking these feelings would take time, patience, and tenderness, and you were simply prioritizing. Or perhaps you just didn't feel ready to do so. Either way, it's time to stop putting these things off. Closing these doors with acknowledgment and acceptance will lead to the arrival of new possibilities that you'll be able to put all of your mental, emotional, and physical focus into.

You may feel like you're drawn to focus on details that you cannot control about the world and your experiences, rather than the bigger picture that you can influence. Ask yourself: "What makes me feel secure? Comfortable? At Home?" But don't just focus on what's material and financial. Go deeper. Really take this time to explore the desires of your sensitive side and work on serving your emotional needs.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, And Aquarius

Your beliefs and ideas may change under the eclipse, and that's okay! Don't fight it. Allow your mind to wander freely and release thoughts that no longer align with your transformed reality. You're called to embrace your sensitivity and deep healing without allowing it to dictate how you communicate with others. Brace yourself for tensions, disagreements, and emotional sensitivity in your home life, caused by miscommunications or poor reception of shared opinions.

Mercury — the planet of communication and intellect — is opposite the Moon and merged with the Sun. This energy reflects tensions between your emotions and mindset. Rather than addressing your feelings and unhealed wounds with compassion, you may instinctively try and pick your emotions apart to understand them. Be compassionate with yourself and explore how you're feeling through channels of creative expression. Combining mental stimulation with your emotional outpours will help you feel a greater sense of freedom in conveying your raw emotions. Write. Dance. Sing. Make art.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, And Pisces

You're called under the lunar eclipse to let go of your suppressive ideas and break freak from all self-imposed restrictions and limitations. You're challenged to create a higher, and more powerful, sense of awareness and self-certainty that'll carry you through the next chapter of your life. Focus on healing the inner voice that tells you that you aren't capable and strong, and your internal commentary that always has an excuse for why you aren't ready and why you aren't as good as others.

As Uranus harmonizes with the lunar eclipse, you may feel an overwhelming restlessness and a heightened sensitivity. You may focus on the words you wish you had said, the opportunities you wish you'd taken, and the times when your reflection of the past caused extra worry and anxiety over your future. Journaling will help you find freedom. Write to explore the source of your insecurities, the root of your excuses, and the source of your self-doubt. If moving forward means addressing re-opened wounds one last time, be prepared to take that step. Welcome comfort and reassurance from your family. Accept, forgive, and release all emotions, energies, and thoughts that no longer serve you.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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