Cancer Season 2020: It’s Time To Emerge From Your Comfort Zone

The Sun will enter Cancer on June 20, the day of the summer solstice, signifying the beginning of Cancer Season. This will be the same day that the Annular solar eclipse (karmic new moon) comes into alignment, making this an awkward time to start new projects like you typically would during a new moon. Instead, focus your time on reflecting and directing your intentions toward your home, family, and deepest emotions. Cancer Season is deeply healing, sensitive, and intuitive; it will spark your inner need to protect yourself and your loved ones and explore the foundations of your happiness.

Cancer Stellium

On June 22, we'll be under the intense and illuminating energy of a Cancer Stellium with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all linked up in this zodiac sign. These energies are quite similar in the sense that they collectively increase our awareness and heighten our sensitivity. They're harmonic and will work well together to soothe our souls on this day.

Neptune Stations Retrograde

Neptune will turn retrograde on June 23 in Pisces and will end on November 28. With Neptune being an outer planet, its retrograde won't be as impactful as personal planet retrogrades. Despite this, the upcoming five months of Neptune's retrograde will be a reality check. Our rose-tinted glasses and hazy visions will be stripped away, revealing a bare, and very harsh reality. All that we have tried to sweep under the carpet or tried to sugarcoat will be revealed. But don't see this as a bad thing! The theme of this transit is owning our truth and loving and respecting ourselves enough to address our triggers, pain, and problems with an open heart.

Venus Turns Direct

Venus will be in its post-retrograde shadow period until July 28. Now that Venus retrograde is over, surrounding energies will become playful and lighthearted once again. We will be reinvigorated with a greater sense of clarity that will aid us in moving forward with an open and accepting heart, and a plan to incorporate pleasures into our daily routine. We'll be tasked with creating a new 'normal' moving forward.

Mars Enters Aries

Mars will return home to Aries on June 28, causing a shift in our motivation. We're pushing forward against all opposing forces with vigor and perhaps aggression. Mars will transit Aries for a prolonged six months due to its incoming retrograde on September 9. Under Mars’ influence, we will be particularly impatient with a keen and passionate focus. Our visions will turn into plans and our plans into actions.

Mars Sextile Saturn

Mars will sextile Saturn on June 29 with both planets in their most comfortable zodiacal placements and there for functioning in their rawest, truest forms. Both planets are pushing each other to reach their fullest potential. With this aspect, our endurance and self-discipline will harmonize, allowing us to seek new opportunities with passion and determination. This is a great formula for success and growth.

Lunar Eclipse

On July 5 we'll experience a full 'Buck' moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn. This will be a deeply impactful celestial event occurring on the Cancer-Capricorn axis at the excitable adventurous and self-involved 13°. We should utilize the luminous transiting energies to improve ourselves and re-align with our purpose, responsibilities, and ambitions.

Mercury Square Mars

Our self-perceptions will be challenged under the square between Mars and Mercury (which are both retrograde). Mars in Aries is sharp, self-interested, and won't allow any space for obtuseness, dishonesty, or attacks toward on our egos. This is a tense aspect as Mars challenges Mercury who will be highly critical, emotional, and unrealistic with its expectations. We'll be putting an immense amount of pressure on ourselves which will manifest as defensiveness when we're faced with reality.

Asteroid Chiron Stations Retrograde

What will perhaps be the most transformative retrograde of the year will occur on July 11 when asteroid Chiron stations retrograde in Aries. Chiron’s retrograde will last until December 15, when it stations direct. This will not be an easy transit. There will be a painful reopening of old wounds and revelations of toxic patterns that you’re no longer able to ignore. But this isn't something to be fearful of. If you've already been actively using this year’s retrogrades to take conscious steps forth on your healing journey, Chiron's retrograde won't be as much of an abrupt change in reality for you.

Mercury Stations Direct

Coming out of Mercury's retrograde, our minds and communication will be a lot clearer and back on track. The most important thing we can do is take ownership of the things we do and the mistakes that we make. We no longer have a backward transiting and disruptive planet to blame for what's going wrong in our lives. We can no longer blame lack of awareness as we had a month to conduct deep, internal reflection of the self. What new foundations and boundaries do you need to set for yourself?

Sun Opposition Pluto

When the Cancerian Sun forms an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn, we will embrace both the light and shadows as patterns of our self-destructive behaviors are put in the spotlight. We will be urged under this transit to work with our shadow selves to heal and renew our self-awareness. Depending on how we choose to utilize these energies, this transit could either manifest as an empowering moment of self-healing or an increase in internal conflicts and external crises. The power is in your hands.

New Moon In Cancer

On July 20, we will experience the second New Moon in Cancer of the year. Despite this one not being a Solar Eclipse like the last, this New Moon will still be an influential event. The Cancerian new moon will be in opposition to transiting Saturn in Capricorn, reflecting restrictions, emotional hardships, and limitations. The new moon brings opportunities for a fresh start. However, this one will not be a second chance but rather a struggle to express ourselves which may manifest as frustrations, loss of patience, or maybe a boost in determination. You decide!

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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