Here's What Mercury Retrograde In Pisces, 2020 Means For Your Zodiac Sign

The First Retrograde Of 2020 Has Officially Arrived

Mercury will station retrograde in Pisces on February 17 and moonwalk through this dreamy and delirious zodiac sign until March 10, 2020. You certainly would've heard people talking about Mercury retrograde before as it's usually the most inconvenient of all the planetary retrogrades! Mercury is the planet of communication, information, mindset, and analysis and when retrograde, Mercury invites us to slow down and turn our focus within. Technological malfunctions, miscommunications, plans falling through, and delays are more common during Mercury retrograde. However, so long as you remain flexible and optimistic, and reflect on your mistakes, you'll be okay!

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You may find that your quickness to react and impulsivity may bring along trouble during this shadow period. Your instincts are pushing you to launch forward, but the energies surrounding you are hazy and dragging you backward. This is likely to cause you great frustration. Be sure to take some time away to release your pent-up energies, and blow off some steam. Your greatest obstacle during this period will be trying to resist these intense energies instead of using them in your favor.

Slow down. Charging forwards will provide you with very little benefit during this transit, and may lead you towards situations that only look good under the illusion of Pisces. Be wary of your assertive nature and directness. Your words may be constructive, but you're likely to be misunderstood or viewed as insensitive. You are likely to feel restless and inactive during this period. Take some time to rest, relax and recuperate. Catch up on your sleep. Be more observant of your surroundings. Truly appreciate life and the little things that you tend to overlook on an average day.


Taurus, you may find that during this time you are moving in a slow, lazy manner. Be extra careful of scheduling and showing up late, booking things on the wrong days and just generally thinking slower than usual. You may find comfort in an 'I'll sort that out later' mindset. However, procrastination will bring you problems later on. With Venus, the ruler of Taurus, also being in Pisces, now would be a great time to channel your creative nature. You may find a greater need to spend time with others during this time.

Reconnecting with friends is the best way for you to get out and de-stress. Things are looking a little distorted, brighter, and rose-tinted during this transit. Your greatest obstacle during this period may be escapism. Retail therapy, sleeping, and eating will certainly help with avoiding your problems but provide no long-term benefits. Instead of avoiding problems completely, take your time pondering ideas before making decisions. Always get a second (and maybe third) opinion on matters concerning your finances and keep ahead of schedule. You may find yourself opening up to others in new ways during this period.


As a Mercurial native, you may struggle during this period. But don't be afraid, there are always ways that we can work with the surrounding energies to make things a little easier for ourselves. You are quick-minded, curious, and a great communicator. However, during this period you may find yourself completely thrown off balance, struggling to get back on your feet. You may be focused on improving yourself and redefining your goals during this transit. Whilst this is a great, healthy thought process, it's probably not the best time to be making life-altering decisions. Instead of focusing on new goals and achievements, try revisiting and strengthening your past goals instead.

Your articulation may seem a little off and you may be hard on yourself for not operating like you're used to. Intuition is heightened with Mercury in Pisces, which is something you should take full advantage of. Allow your soul to guide you to where you should be. Be patient and trusting of yourself. Release your frustrations about things being unclear or uncertain.


Cancer, you'll certainly be in your head a lot during this period, hiding in the shell that usually brings you comfort. However, it's all distorted and this will only heighten moodiness. This is a great opportunity for you to bring your dreams to reality, but only if you can resist the fantasies. Your imagination will be your greatest tool for laying out creative plans for objectives and goals that you want to achieve.

You'll face technological malfunctions, and miscommunication on social media platforms during this time. The problems you face may be domestically related, for example; misunderstandings in your home life or a broken computer. Work hard but don’t broadcast your plans just yet. Your creativity will aid you well with putting the final touches on projects that need to be completed. Focus on tying up loose ends, adding final touches, and brainstorming new ideas.


Mercury's retrograde in Pisces will allow you to dive deep into your subconscious, addressing your darkest fears and insecurities. You may feel a deep need to do some soul-searching during this period. Exploring your identity and addressing who you truly are at soul level will be greatly beneficial to you in the long run. Express praise, pride, and gratitude towards yourself rather than seeking such attention from others.

Use this time to understand and communicate with yourself, rather than expressing these feelings outwardly. Expose your naked soul to those that you care about. Share your secrets and open up your heart. You are likely to experience problems with money during this period. Refrain from making significant financial decisions and overindulging in materialism. Be careful to not misplace your wallet, phone, or other items that hold valuable information.


Virgo, your need to be prepared and in control will be challenged, causing delays that you weren't prepared for. Be sure to get a second opinion on the finer details of the work that you do and the decisions that you make during this period. The retrograde energies are likely to cause a sense of disorder within you. Order, detail, and perfection will be thrown off balance.

Keep an open mind and slow yourself down. If you aren't cautious, you may find yourself jumping to conclusions and being hasty with decision-making. Under the fogginess of Pisces, you'll constantly be chasing an idea of perfection. An idea that you may not even be sure of a moment later. Remain adaptable and be cautious of breakdowns and malfunctions in your workplace.


With Mercury and Venus in Pisces, your intuitive mind and body will be deeply connected. You're likely to have deep thoughts about the appearance of yourself and your surroundings. However, now isn't the time to rotate all of your furniture or get a risky haircut. Learn to take care of yourself and those around you and appreciate your surroundings without feeling a deep need to change and replace. Your indecisiveness may cause you to feel stuck in situations.

People from your past are likely to show their faces once again and this will cause you great difficulty with how to handle such situations. Reconnecting with people from your past may push you away from those in your life at present. If you aren't acting carefully and consciously during this period, you may find yourself feeling lonely and isolated from others. Be prepared for your phone to die in the worst moments, or for your apps to glitch or shut off.


Don't allow your emotions to take charge of reason and rationality during this period. Not everything requires a reaction, particularly when you're often prone to overreacting. During this transit, you may be reacting out of habit with very little thought behind your actions. Channel the Piscean energies to unlock a deeper understanding of your subconscious. When using this energy correctly, you may be able to unlock a true, deep understanding of yourself during this transit.

You may feel like you’re losing control as secrets come to light. Release and channel your raging passion through healthy means such as art, movement, and writing, to avoid unhealthy forms of expression. The consequences of your actions may seem blurry, but you're going to have to face reality once the retrograde period has passed.


Expect delays and misdirection that will grind your gears during this period. Losing time will probably be what frustrates you the most during this retrograde period. Time spent waiting around for delayed transport, delayed phone calls, delayed opportunities, and delayed people can be avoided by simply letting go. Sit back and let whatever happens, happen.

Give yourself more time to avoid traffic and other last-minute obstacles. Come with a backup plan and don't invest so much into things going right straight away. Your optimism and high expectations may not fit well with the unpredictable retrograde. Remain patient and open-minded during this period. Your connection and relationships with others may be challenged during this time. Don't hold back from reaffirming your boundaries, loyalty, and emotions.


Capricorn, be sure to have a backup plan, and don't be so hard on yourself when things don't go right. Refrain from confining yourself to a schedule, as things will certainly derail during this period. Your prepared-for-anything attitude may not lend a hand here. Sitting around and letting whatever happens, happen is certainly not your forte, but planning and getting ahead will likely not go to plan. Avoid serious financial decisions during this time, particularly matters concerning buying and selling costly items.

You're likely to experience a few out-of-character mind-blanks in which you misplace important items or forget to tell someone something vital. Additionally, it may frustrate you to have to rely on others during this retrograde period, for example; technicians and electricians. You'll feel as though you're being held back by poor communication and technological failures.


You must channel your intuition during this retrograde period. There is a high chance that your gadgets will fail you, pushing you to think outside of the box. You'll uncover resources that you didn't even know were useful and embrace your innovative nature. Listening to your soul and intuition will guide you away from poor decision-making and towards problem-solving and quick thinking instead.

During its retrograde, Mercury will move from Pisces into Aquarius, putting your relationships with others at risk. Remember who you truly are and who your friends are when you get annoyed with misunderstandings and petty arguments. Use your innovative mind to adapt and think forward. Network with others and develop new skills that will enable you to excel in future endeavors. This is a time to work on yourself and maintain your close relationships.


Pisces, Mercury's first retrograde of the new decade will begin in your sign before retreating into Aquarius. These energies are likely to hit you hard. With your mind in the clouds and your vision hazy, you're likely to completely miss important information that someone has told you. You may at one point wish you'd kept your mouth shut as you will be prone to miscommunication. Be articulate and spend time thinking about how you feel and what you want to say before opening up. Better yet, write it down and see how you feel later on.

Under the illusion of the Piscean energy, things that aren't as great as they may appear. You're bound to have your head in the clouds, daydreaming and finding little ways to escape the busyness of life. This may not be the best time to rely on your intuitive thoughts as you may be so in your head that you create something out go nothing. Remember; convincing yourself that something is true is not the same as a gut feeling.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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