New Moon In Leo, 2022: This Spiritual Reset Inspires You To Believe In Your Power

New beginnings are on the horizon as the new moon in dramatic Leo will unleash an abundance of cosmic shifts that boost your confidence and creative freedom. On July 28/29 , the new moon will receive positive reinforcement from lucky Jupiter; however, the union between change-making Uranus and the karmic lunar north node of destiny will motivate you to separate from your ego consciousness to reach true, soul-aligned success. Prepare for a renewed belief in your passion projects and a greater self-confidence which will boost your determination to sow the seeds for your future ventures.

The spiritual significance of the new moon

During a new moon, the Sun and Moon form an exact alignment called a conjunction — a cosmic interaction when two planets merge — creating a powerful, blended energy. The new moon in Leo will bring cosmic resets and internal shifts that encourage you to affect change in your external reality. The brave and extravagant Leo energy will put you directly in the spotlight, magnifying your confidence and ability to attract new portals toward soul-fulfilling creative ventures. Your intention setting and manifestations around this lunation will be powered by the fixed fire of Leo energy, giving you the strength and commitment to start fresh and the bold enthusiasm to chase your goals.

Receiving Jupiter’s divine protection

Once the new moon rises, it will connect with Jupiter in bold and courageous Aries. Jupiter— the planet of growth and wisdom — will work to clear any blockages relating to your self-belief, drive, and motivation — which is good news if you've been feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Cheer yourself on to get back into your creative flow, fill your time with heart-centered work, and break free of your comfort zone.

Progressing toward spiritual awakenings

Uranus and the lunar north node of destiny will influence rapid growth in your life when they unite in grounded earth sign, Taurus. This cosmic conjunction will stir up the energy of the entire week, bringing disruptions to the current life path you are on. Prepare to be pushed to the brink of a spiritual awakening that will reveal where you’ve been chasing goals without a deeper awareness of your subconscious motivations. Sudden breakthroughs and shifts in your values around work and money will cause you to realize that your limiting perceptions and ego-driven desires are leading you to sacrifice your joy for security. This is your calling from the universe to assess and transcend your feelings of envy, fear of instability, and materialism, to fulfill your destiny without mental limitations.

Prepare for stubborn arguments

Mercury in Leo will square off with defensive Mars in Taurus, bringing personal challenges that will motivate you to break through barriers and step into your power. You may face stubborn disagreements, or a clash of opinions, with others as Mercury will also move toward a tense opposition with strict Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. It's time to face the reality of how your insecurities have caused you to block your own growth. Be assertive and dignified when expressing yourself, and know that you don't have to be rigid and unforgiving to prove that you are in your power. Transforming the nature of your interactions and how you respond when you are frustrated will reflect the positive inner growth that you've undergone.

Looking for more personalized insights? Click here to read your new moon horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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