Mars, Uranus & The Ascending Node Trigger Chaotic Global Changes In August 2022

Dramatic financial shifts and natural disasters are on the horizon as an unpredictable and life-changing triple conjunction will come to an exact alignment on August 1. Mars will meet change-making Uranus and the karmic North Node in Taurus — the second sign of the zodiac signifying our Earth and collective resources — bringing destabilizing energy and unpredictable shifts on a global scale. On a personal level, these uncomfortable changes will launch you toward your destiny — but it may be an unstable and frustrating transition as we have to move through the shadows before we reach the light. Sharpen your awareness and understanding of this cosmic alignment because triple conjunctions to this scale are incredibly rare (there hasn't been one in the last 1,000 years!). This energy will have a lingering influence over us, beginning during the final week of July as it grows in strength, only to reveal its hidden impacts in the future.

What is a triple conjunction?

You might have heard of a conjunction before when two cosmic bodies align at the same point in the sky, amplifying each other’s energy and magnetizing our experiences on Earth. The August 1 conjunction will involve two planets and the North Node of destiny — a mathematical astrological point relating to the Moon. The North Node, or ascending node, signifies a karmic increase and rush of energy that launches us toward our collective destiny. However, when Mars and Uranus join the Node Node, they’ll bring uncomfortable energy with them as both planets will be in a position of weakness. Together, all three cosmic entities will play an integral part in the life changes that will bring sudden, dramatic, and uncontrollable life changes on a massive scale. 

Shocking changes will manifest on the world stage

Assertive Mars — the planet of drive and determination — will be in exile as its action-oriented energy isn’t compatible with grounded and sustaining Taurus, making it harder for us to take control of the global events that will unfold under the triple conjunction. Uranus, however, oversees spontaneity, breakthroughs, and hard awakenings. This revolutionary planet will force us to face the global impacts of financial and environmental decisions we’ve made as a global network. Similar to Mars, Uranus is fallen in Taurus, which will stimulate negative reactions as the universe urges us to learn and grow in harsher conditions. When Mars and Uranus join the North Node in Taurus, we will see dramatic spikes in food and natural resource prices and shortages, unpredictable shifts in the financial market, and a sudden increase in global disasters such as earthquakes, droughts, and wildfires.

Hope and empathy will unite us

This karmic journey will dramatically speed up the rhythms of life and disrupt our financial and material structures, teaching us to be conscious about how we attain, use, and harbor the Earth’s resources. We’ve been stuck in our old ways and fixated on having and keeping, and this triple conjunction will challenge us to establish new foundations and implement radical change in our society to ensure that no human goes without their fundamental needs being met.

Thankfully, the triple conjunction will form a gentle connection with Venus in intuitive Cancer, bringing subtle energy that will inspire us to unite and take care of each other. Your increased empathy will encourage you to reach out and support people around the world rather than focusing on yourself. You will connect with the callings of our soul to find the best way to stay in alignment during the turbulence of climate changes and political and financial chaos. Your laser focus on maintaining your primary and basic need: security, will allow you to release any obsessions with material items that hold no real value and heighten your ability to weather the storm.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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