The New Moon In Sagittarius, 2022 Is Your Chance To Bet On Yourself

On November 23, the new moon in Sagittarius will help you transition out of the turbulent and unpredictable eclipse season. New moons are spiritual omens to fresh starts, new beginnings, and opportunities to sow seeds that will blossom into your dreams becoming your reality. The new moon will be especially positive as it will take on the optimistic, uplifting, and adventurous characteristics of Sagittarius energy.

When the Sun and Moon form an exact union (as they always do during the new moon phase) in hyper-expansive Sagittarius, you will feel inspired to set your sights on bigger visions for your future. On top of this, Venus (ruling your values) and Mercury (ruling your perspective and mindset) will also transit Sagittarius, boosting your self-belief and optimism. This is the optimum time to focus on getting ahead and living life to the fullest — no dream is too big or too outrageous.

Say ‘yes’. Take a change. Book the flight

As the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter — the planet of luck, growth, and prosperity — will have a major influence over the new moon. Jupiter will make a U-turn on November 23 and stabilize after its long retrograde, which began on July 28, 2022. When the new moon reaches its full power, Jupiter will be in its stationary phase — which is a short period directly after retrograde where a planet appears to be at a standstill before moving again. You will feel excited to jump straight into action and inspired to chase your latest vision, creative ideas, or dreams. With Jupiter empowered and Neptune — the planet of glamour and illusion — close by in Pisces, you may blindly strive toward goals that will bring you soul-level fulfillment, even if you don’t know how you'll get to your destination.

Believe in your wildest dreams

Jupiter — the luckiest astrological body — in dreamy and delirious Pisces will form a trine to the new moon — a positive connection that generates an easy, flowing, and harmonious energy. Jupiterian energy expands, improves, and affirms everything within its reach, so Jupiter's connection to the new moon will amplify the intentions you're setting, the adventures you’re planning, and the wisdom you're acquiring. You’ll have a greater chance of attracting good fortune or manifesting new experiences just by setting your sights higher and having unwavering faith that the universe will support you.

Need more insight on how you can make your dreams a reality under this new moon? Click here to read your New Moon in Sagittarius horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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