Sagittarius 2024 Horoscope: Trust Your Unique Intelligence & Heal Ancestral Wounds

Allow your relationship with your work, possessions, and finances to break down and transform. 2024 is the final year you will face challenges to support yourself at this intensity. Remember what you value in life and where your worth lies. As Pluto sinks deeper into Aquarius, initiating life-changing perspective alterations, prepare to unravel everything you’ve learned thus far and re-educate yourself through the liberated spirit of your highest self.

Your changing work environment will challenge you to surrender to the whispers of your heart. Where do you feel most fulfilled? How can you create a lifestyle centered around the joy of doing what you love? Listen to your body over the voice of others who think they know what’s best for you. The unique intelligence encoded within your skin will tell you when something within isn’t right. Get grounded, Sagittarius, and deepen your concern for your health and well-being.

Drink in the air of liberation, remembering how it feels to say no to anything that doesn’t sit right with your soul. Prepare for a final release of your attachments to the friendships that didn’t last and visions of a future that haven’t manifested. You will reflect on your connection to joy, creativity, and your sexuality in spring. Opportunities to restructure a new foundation in these realms could lead to a romantic connection or creative project that engulfs your heart in flames of passion and purpose.

Despite the instability and unpredictability of your work and lifestyle routines, you will be rewarded for your commitment to making things work – no matter the cards that life deals you. Celebrate the blossoming of relationships and friendships that excite you this summer. Come into your extroverted energy and embrace people who make you feel appreciated.

A chapter of deep healing is in store for you during the second half of 2024. Review the legacy you are creating here on Earth. Plunge into your emotional wells to explore familial and ancestral healing under the light of September's eclipse. As you unearth your thoughts and feelings around your upbringing and parental relationships, honor your soul mission by clearing the fears, pressures, and traumas you have inherited. You must release your attachment to repairing familial relationships in your ideal vision and decide whether or not to take people as they present themselves to you now.

Drawn toward new bonds and communities, you will remember how good it feels to open your heart to platonic and romantic soulmates. However, one final Mercury retrograde aligns in November, forcing you to rediscover who you are. As you learn to love yourself all over again – blessing the sacred temple of your body that houses your spirit – do not allow external pressures to influence you to compare yourself to others.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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