Your October 2022 Astrological Guide: Expect Social Change & Personal Transformation

The turbulent political, financial, and environmental activity of the year will reach a boiling point when Saturn retrograde in Aquarius goes head-to-head with Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Historically, the tense union between Saturn and Uranus has coincided with financial crashes and confrontations with authority. This energy will linger throughout the month, bringing people within society who are pushing for radical change through rebellion head-to-head with those who don’t want to see the downfall of the world structures or those who want change but also want to avoid turbulence.

You may experience moments of inner conflict where you want to see a change in the world but don’t know how to influence it as an individual. We’re likely to see even more fluctuations in the financial market which will challenge you to think outside the box and find new ways to weather the storm. Prioritize your financial and material security and support people in your community in any way you can.

Form your own opinion about world issues

On October 8, Pluto retrograde will end in authoritative Capricorn, creating a further shift in global dynamics. During Pluto retrograde, you may have had extreme revelations about how your mind and perspective have been influenced or manipulated by authority figures. However, with Pluto in direct motion, you’ll be able to make your mind up about whether or not you support solutions or ideas presented to resolve world issues. You may also notice that the calls to dismantle systems and replace world leaders, politicians, celebrities, and other authority figures will grow louder. 

The full moon brings confrontations

While full moons signify a time of closure, endings, and letting go, the dramatic full moon in Aries on October 9 could be more reactive than peaceful. Instead of seeking resolution with others on this day, work on coming to terms with the problems you’re facing. This fiery lunation will align close to Chiron — the asteroid that reveals your inner wounds and insecurities — and Venus — directing your attention toward your relationships. Any attempt to have a serious conversation with your loved ones could lead to heated confrontations, emotional outbursts, projections, and excuses.

Resolutions are achievable

Got something that you need to get off your chest? On October 10, Mercury — the planet of mindset and communication — will enter Libra, making it easier to find common ground with even the most difficult people. Mercury began its retrograde in Libra last month, giving us a preview of this energy; however, while in direct motion, Mercury in Libra this time around will support you in initiating conversations that you’re concerned may get out of hand. Make an effort to consider both sides to every story and lead with compassion to inspire others to do the same. Remember, you don’t have to agree on everything to get along with people.

Confess your feelings for someone

From October 19 to October 22, the Sun and Venus will form a harmonious embrace, bringing effortless energy that will light up your love life and allow you to express your true feelings. However, this Sun-Venus union will also connect with Pluto in Capricorn, bringing intense energy that will invite you to dive deep and make sure you are certain of what (and who) you want before you take any steps forward. You may experience a total transformation of your interests and values around this time, leaving you to feel uninterested in people who once caught your attention. You may also change your approach to spending, saving, and money-making during this time. It’s okay to explore who you are and your changing likes and dislikes; just make sure you explain how you're feeling instead of ghosting people.

Release your attachments during the eclipse

The solar eclipse in Scorpio will align alongside Venus on October 25, bringing an influx of karmic and fated energy that will spotlight your subconscious attachments. This eclipse will align close to the south node of destiny, pushing you to address your emotional patterns and behavior, such as; jealousy, defensiveness, resentment, self-interested desires, and judgment. The solar eclipse will mark the beginning of eclipse season (which will end on November 8), bringing uncomfortable and turbulent shifts if you aren’t used to diving deep into the shadows of your mind.

Mars retrograde brings new challenges

On October 30, Mars retrograde will begin in Gemini, urging you to slow down your reactions and think twice about how you speak to people (or about them). Choose your words carefully and find less confrontational or aggressive ways to express yourself when you’re feeling pressured or provoked. Work on improving your communication and mental processing, and try not to say the first thing on your mind. Steer clear from harmful gossiping and sharp-witted comebacks by considering the impact of your words and the unconscious feelings that are fuelling them.

Start planning big career moves

On October 23 and October 24, go where your passion leads you. As the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio together, you may notice a sudden surge in your drive and motivation. Channel this energy toward your work and career, and don’t be afraid to be ambitious! Go after what you want and separate your intuition from your emotional reactions. Saturn retrograde will end in Aquarius on October 23, calling you to ease your way back into taking on more responsibilities. Demonstrate your willingness to do more at work, but don’t push yourself until you’re ready to deliver.

Jupiter in Pisces reconnects you to your faith

Jupiter retrograde will retreat into Pisces on October 28, inviting you to explore your changing spiritual beliefs and reconnect with your faith. Jupiter — the planet of growth and philosophy — feels at home in Pisces; however, its introspective retrograde nature will inspire you to reflect on whether your beliefs still resonate with you or if they need updating. If you’ve felt distant from your religion or spirituality, October 28 and onward is the perfect time to implement more practices and rituals into your everyday life. On a macro scale, you may hear about more perspectives and ideologies you don’t believe in, challenging you to recognize that other truths are free to exist alongside yours.

Look deep within yourself

This October will be a powerful month for inner-healing and psychological explorations — especially once Mercury enters perceptive Scorpio on October 29. Shaming your darker or confusing feelings and emotions or sweeping things under the rug will harm your long-term well-being. Instead of holding everything in and brooding, reach out to a trusted professional who can guide you through your feelings and hold space for you to share what’s weighing on your mind.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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