Your October 2024 Horoscope: The Second Half Of Eclipse Season Strikes Your love Life


e begin the month in eclipse season, a powerful portal of transformation. On October 2 we’re greeted with the final solar eclipse in Libra, ushering in the end of a cycle that began in April 2023. Mars begins its preparation for its December retrograde on October 4-5. Pay attention to what comes up in the Cancerian area of your birth chart. Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini on October 9, asking us to review our belief system and capacity for hope. On October 11, Pluto stations direct for the last time in Capricorn for the next 250 years! Finally, we have a Full Moon in Aries on October 17, officially closing the eclipse portal. If things feel intense, breathe them out.


This is an important month for you, dear Aries. The eclipses are lighting up your identity and relationships, and how these have changed over the past 18 months. Connect with your True North and who you want to be. Be mindful of conflict in your private life mid-month. If things feel heavy towards the end of the month, let your optimism and future aspirations guide you. Alchemization is on the horizon.


This month, the eclipses are asking you to assess your work-life balance and how these have changed over the last year and a half. Release any patterns of self-undoing and tend to the rituals that support your well-being. Pay attention to how you speak to yourself and others mid-month. If your friendships feel strained towards the end of October, seek to build firm but flexible boundaries.


This is a fun and expansive month for you, dear Gemini. Socialize! Take stock of how your community and self-pleasure have changed since April 2023. Expand your sense of self and how you wish to show up in the world. Be careful of burning a hole in your pocket! If your career feels burdensome towards the end of the month, soften any undue responsibilities you place on yourself.


Your private life and how you show up in the world are highlighted in October, dear Cancer. What does ‘home’ mean to you? How has your path changed over the past 18 months? Lean into simple pleasures and joys that bring deep soul nourishment. Be mindful of burnout mid-month! Tend to your energy and how you advocate for yourself. If your worldview feels heavy, feel your way through and tap into the wisdom of your body.


Your mindset and self-expression are getting the spotlight this month, dear Leo. Speak your truth! How has your worldview changed since April 2023? Tend to hearth and home, but be mindful of any power dynamics here mid-month. Focus on your creative output. Towards the end of the month, notice the collaborations and mergers that feel expansive and the ones that feel enmeshed.


Focus on your expenditures and money mindset this month, dear Virgo. How have your finances and revenue streams developed over the past 18 months? Be mindful of conflict within your friendship groups and work towards reaching a collective understanding. If your relationships feel strained towards the end of the month, come back to the traditions that bridge the gaps. Transform darkness into light.


This is an important month for you, dear Libra. How you show up in the world is spotlighted. How has your relationship with yourself and others transformed since April 2023? Pay attention to how you advocate for yourself and publicly express ambitions mid-month. Be careful, and avoid overloading your work plate towards the end of the month. If tense family dynamics arise, know that you are alchemizing the final stories here.


This is a good month to focus on your inner world, rest, and restoration, dear Scorpio. Tend to your work-life balance. Pay attention to where you may be your own worst enemy and beliefs that no longer serve you. If pleasure and joy feel burdensome, don’t make them another chore. Engage in the simple moments without feeling like you need to “earn” them. Schedule activities that light you up if need be.


This is a fun month for you, dear Sagittarius. Focus on your self-pleasure and the acts that bring you joy. Notice how your friendship dynamics have changed since April 2023. Don’t rush into joint projects mid-month. If home and family matters feel heavy towards the end of October, know that you are building strong foundations here to last for many years. You also have a final powerful chance to alchemize your money mindset.


Release any outdated career ideals, dear Capricorn. Take stock of how your life path has changed over the past 18 months. Be mindful of conflict in your relationships mid-month. If your mindset feels more pessimistic than usual, spend time introspecting which thoughts are nuggets of wisdom and which are unduly rigid. You are completing a 15-year alchemization in your identity in the coming weeks. Be gentle.


You have the chance to let go of any beliefs you’ve outgrown and implement the mindset shifts you’d like to see this month, dear Aquarius. Let your visions expand and guide you. Avoid overworking mid-month; don’t push your body too hard. If finances feel strained, restructure your support networks. Use this time to explore the friendships that lift you up.


The balance between money coming in and money going out is spotlighted this month, dear Pisces. How have your finances changed since April 2023? Focus on your pleasures and desires, but be mindful of overindulging mid-month. If life feels particularly heavy towards the end of the month, lean into your public expressions of joy. Pay attention to any friction in how you show up in the world.


Talisa Zampieri

An intuitive Tarot reader + Traditional Astrologer, Talisa uses these spiritual tools to help guide seekers towards greater self-awareness, acceptance, and empowerment. Her website Elysium Rituals x Two Wander teaches almost 1 million annual seekers about these healing modalities through her blog, courses, workshops, guidebooks, membership, and 1:1 readings.

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