Everything You Need To Know About Mercury In Libra: Weigh Up Your Options & Decisions Carefully

Mercury in Libra guides you to restore balance to your mind, clearing away the tensions that ripple beneath the surface between you and your loved ones. From October 4 to 22, 2023, you’re striving to find common ground with people instead of fixating on your differences and what you cannot agree on. By nurturing relatable, charming, and creative conversations that bring you and other people together, you’re opening your heart and mind to life’s reminder of how easy it is to align with people when you veer away from triggering or divisive subjects. Soothing the stressed and overworked corners of your mind that tightened during Mercury’s transit and retrograde in Virgo, you’re finding peace within and projecting it outward onto the world around you as Mercury moves through smooth-talking Libra. The power of persuasion lies in your hands, though your kindness and charm may be construed as flirtation if you’re too eager to please people.

Consider a new point of view

Ruled by the intellectual air element, Mercury takes on adaptable and non-commital characteristics when it transits Libra, encouraging you to carefully weigh up your decisions and choose the right words and means of expressing yourself. New realms of discovery await you as you allow yourself the freedom to change your mind without fearing being labeled inconsistent. Adapting your perspective is a sign of growth. Notice how you let the illusion of making the right choice fuel your indecision. Your perfectionist tendencies that arose last season may still be present, but now, you’re motivated by instincts to please others and agree with them to maintain the peaceful still waters of your relationship. Embrace this opportunity for growth and ask yourself who you’re attempting to prove yourself to and why you’ve overvalued other’s opinions over the opinion you have of yourself.

If you were born with Mercury in Libra

Mercury in Libra embodies the archetypes of the peacemaker, socialite, coordinator, and artist. As the designated mediator in their social circle, Mercury in Libra natives strive to maintain diplomatic relations and calmly disagree with others without allowing debates to escalate. Fairness, unity, and cooperation are at the forefront of their mind, which can lead them to straddle the fence, avoiding taking firm stances with their opinion that could displease or divide their loved ones and networks.

As champions of justice and equality, Mercury in Libra natives aren’t afraid to speak on behalf of others; they’re guided by a passionate urge for everyone to feel heard and acknowledged. The love and respect they hold for people is not conditional to being agreed with because they have a unique appreciation for the spectrum of opinions and an understanding that there’s more than one side to every story. Mercury in Libra natives listen to understand, rather than listening to heil themselves as right and label others wrong. However, they tend to overvalue the opinions of others and the importance of painting themselves in a good light. Bringing up their status and achievements in conversations to gain favor and approval is a manifestation of their Venusian qualities. They enjoy impressing people – especially those they’ve unconsciously placed on a pedestal above them – and must learn to stand in their authentic truth, not over-compromising, over-accommodating, or altering their stance to make conversations easier to handle.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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