Pisces Season 2023 Brings Tests Of Self-Responsibility

As the empathetic, intuitive, and free-flowing zodiac archetype, Pisces season encourages you to retreat within and focus on your inner world and healing. However, as the Sun shifts into Pisces this year, it interacts with Saturn — the planet that oversees tests and responsibility. This energy encourages you to consider whether you’ve enforced healthy boundaries and demonstrated self-discipline in your life. Mental and emotional healing and self-care should be a bigger priority this month as Pisces season invites you to dive deeper into your subconscious mind. Explore your hidden thoughts and feelings, and find ways to bring your body, mind, and spirit into harmonious balance. 

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Aries, you already know the value and importance of resting and restoring your energy, yet this always seems to be at the bottom of your to-do list… It's time to fix that. This Pisces season, prioritize your self-care, inner healing, and rest. Consider what you need to bring yours back into balance and lean on your go-to mindfulness practices to keep you calm. Remember, resting should be done before you burn out!


The abundant love you have for your friends and community is admirable, but you may have become so focused on observing and supporting their growth, happiness, and dreams that you stopped focusing on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask others to help you make plans or to cheer you on for a change. Just because you’re happy and willing to make sacrifices for others doesn’t mean that that’s your responsibility.


Gemini, you may be full of ideas and inspiration on how to level up in your career this Pisces season, but you won’t get very far if you don’t implement some structure into your life. Rather than getting carried away with your dreams and emotions, take a slow, steady, and calculated approach to your goals (and write down all your inspired ideas and visions so you don’t forget them).


As the Sun graces intuitive Pisces, it will magnetize your higher mind, making this season uplifting, enlightening, and motivational for you, Cancer. Make the most of Pisces season by observing your outlook on life and whether it is bringing you peace or causing you stress. It’s time to shed any limiting or fear-based perspectives about the world and choose to see the light through the darkness.


It isn’t as noble as you think to bury your pain beneath the surface to help others through their struggles, Leo. This Pisces season, the universe is calling you to prioritize your healing and well-being instead of distracting yourself with other people's burdens. Dive deep into your feelings, and trust that the people you love will rush to support you as you have always done for them.


Virgo, this season is inviting you to start setting and enforcing boundaries in your most committed and valued relationships. You may have fallen into a pattern of giving too much of yourself away because of the love you have for others, and people may be taking too much from you because they’re so used to you always being there to support and serve them. How can you love others and yourself more intentionally?


Libra, be honest — how much discipline exists within your lifestyle patterns and habits? Pisces season invites you to implement structure and organization into your daily routine to boost your quality of life. What work and health goals can you set and strive to achieve during the upcoming season? Which priorities of yours need to be met? How can you be more self-disciplined in your approach to getting things done?


Scorpio, this season will test your ability to assert yourself in situations where your feelings are deeply involved — whether it’s receiving feedback relating to your creative works and projects or matters in your dating life and your relationship with children. When you find yourself becoming upset or frustrated, acknowledge at this moment that the universe is whispering to you to find strength within your sensitivity.


Expect a deeper yearning to connect with your family or to spend more time in the comfort of your home during Pisces season. You may feel more sensitive and vulnerable during the upcoming month, and that's okay — the universe wants you to embrace this feeling, Sagittarius. Retreating within and returning to your center will allow you to cultivate more joy and inner peace.


You may have had too much control over your mind, Capricorn, and this Pisces season is a great opportunity to finally let go, embrace your colorful imagination, and think about the future in a positive light. Your serious energy shouldn’t be used to strip yourself of optimism but to keep yourself grounded in reality. Give yourself permission to start dreaming again and even the balance between your mind and emotions.


Aquarius, you are the main figure of support in your life, so you must be more gentle and loving with yourself as this is the foundation of how you will allow others to treat you. Use Pisces season to reflect on what self-care and self-love mean to you, and whether you are making your biggest commitments to yourself or to others.


While this season may be your time to shine, the universe will encourage you to step into your power and authority. If people take advantage of your kindness, compassion, and generosity and are taking from you while offering nothing in return, stop giving! You can't control how others treat you, but you can control the adjustments you make and the boundaries you enforce after seeing their true intentions.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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