Your Valentine's Day 2023 Horoscope: Be Courageous Enough To Ask For What You Desire

This Valentine’s Day will feel extra romantic. This February 14, the vibe is deepening your connection to others (or even yourself) through emotional involvement and understanding. Venus — the planet that oversees love, romance, and attachments — will join hands with Neptune — the planet that rules over illusion and dreams — in Pisces. This energy is encouraging you to open up about how you feel. Be helpful and empathetic towards others, and support people through their troubles by offering your optimistic wisdom.

Give from the heart

If you’re flying solo on love day, the Venus-Neptune union will bring the perfect cosmic landscape to connect to your values, spiritual beliefs, and relationship ideals. Hold the vision of the unconditional love you deserve while expressing gratitude for the love that already exists in your life. If you’re coupled up this Valentine’s day, pull out every tool in your arsenal to make your loved one feel special, but be thoughtful with your gift-giving. Writing an honest and heartfelt card or love letter and taking your significant other to a destination that has positive memories for you will go a lot further than meaningless material items.

Express your desires

The universe is urging you to ask for what you need without shame and to allow others the freedom to express themselves this Valentine's Day. Mercury — the planet of mindset and communication — faces off with Black Moon Lilith in passionate and empowered Leo, increasing your desire for love, pleasure, and creative and sexual freedom. Be courageous and tell your significant other what will make you feel happy, loved, and celebrated in your relationship. If you and your partner can make each other feel heard and pleased, your connection this Valentine’s Day will be next level.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Manage your expectations this Valentine's Day. You deserve a passionate, whirlwind romance but won't get everything you desire if you can’t speak up and ask for it. Watch out for secrecy in your relationships or fantasizing about someone who’s unavailable. If you’re single, spend love day reconnecting to your inner self and spiritual energy by exploring how you can fulfill your own emotional needs.


Being single doesn't mean you must spend Valentine's Day alone! With Venus and Neptune teaming up in your community sector, the universe is encouraging you to spend time with friends you share a deep connection with (platonic love matters too). If you are in a relationship, you may have a very public discussion about how you and your partner can make each other happy. Be calm and value their needs and desires as much as you value your own.


As the Moon sweeps through Sagittarius, you may feel a surge of adventure and optimism that will lead you to step out of your comfort zone. Be courageous and the first person to express your feelings for someone. You may be on the receiving end of a romantic gesture that leaves you feeling loved and very special. Make sure you return the favor and express gratitude.


Try not to be ungrounded in your expectations this Valentine's Day and take your time to build long-lasting relationships instead of rushing ahead. The universe will urge you to open up about what will make you feel happy and desired. However, you can't have honest conversations with your loved ones until you learn to lower your emotional barriers and accept that there’s nothing wrong with needing more reassurance or TLC.


The absence of a romantic partner will teach you to celebrate yourself and boost your own confidence. Celebrate how much you love yourself and be open to new intimate connections. If you’re in a relationship, this Valentine's Day will bring opportunities to get sensual and spiritually connected with your significant other. Get to know your person on a deeper level by bonding with them over dreams and secret desires or sexual interests.


Be loving and understanding with the people you care about and cater to their love language rather than doing what you think is best for them. Harness this powerful energy to attract the person of your dreams and the movie-style relationship you deserve. Keep your standards high, and don’t give in to any offers to get serious with someone until you get what you want and need from a relationship.


Whether you’re partnered up or single, your mind will be centered on love affairs this Valentine’s Day. Embrace the excitement of crushing on someone, even if there’s little chance of being in a relationship with this person. Expect to have conversations or considerations about how to maintain your independence within a partnership. Don’t be afraid of how you feel and find a new way to balance your platonic and romantic relationships to ensure you're getting the satisfaction and fulfillment you need.


Venus and Neptune will bring gentle and romantic energy to your dating life to make you feel like a main character. Indulge in the attention you receive and take it easy — dating should be fun! If you’re flying solo on love day, consider what you can do to feel more empowered and liberated. Explore your creative side and get rid of the idea that you must be in a relationship to enjoy yourself.


Making others feel special will boost your happiness, so give as much as you can this Valentine's Day, and the universe will return this energy to you tenfold. If you’re unexpectedly pursued or asked out on a date, say yes and see where things go. You may have to consider whether you and your partner are granting each other enough freedom and space in your relationship. Honest conversations will bring you closer, so approach them with maturity.


Communication is the key to success. Tell someone how you feel when the moment arises, and express your emotions and vulnerability with freedom. If you can’t do so directly, find artistic and creative ways to express your feelings; a heartfelt card, playlist, or dedicated Instagram post will go a long way. This Valentine’s Day is also great for discussing intimacy with your partner and date — you won’t get what you want if you don’t ask for it! Be courageous.


If gift giving (or receiving) is your love language, this Valentine's Day will feel extra special as Venus and Neptune boost your lucky and attractive energy. With Mercury in your zodiac sign opposing Black Moon Lilith, you will face challenges to compromise with your significant other. Remember that your interests, desires, and pleasure are just as important as your partner’s feelings and interests.


You will feel extra romantic this Valentine's Day, which could lead to excessive daydreaming about the person you’re seeing or the love life you can’t wait to have. With the planet of love traversing your zodiac sign, prioritize self-care practices and attempt to make everyone you come into contact with feel special (one compliment will go a long way).

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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