The Sagittarius Archetype: Everything You Must Know About The Philosopher Of The Zodiac

Sagittarius Season Is Expansive And Adventurous

The Sun transits Sagittarius each year from November 22 to December 21 (approx), bringing knowledgeable energy in which we naturally develop our understanding of the world around us. Knowledge is power during Sagittarius season. You will feel more motivated to explore the world and its languages and cultures to expand on mental, physical, and spiritual levels. Sagittarius season is luckier than others, which inspires our faith and optimism in life. You’re more likely to find the positive in negative situations and hold faith that things are unfolding for divine reasons. Being able to laugh at yourself after messing up or smile in the face of major setbacks is a gift of this season that encourages your soul development. Sagittarius season encourages you to be adventurous, giving, inspired, and carefree. Compared to other seasons, it’s more self-focused and can inflate your confidence and sense of importance.

During Sagittarius season, you're more likely to come across as blunt or insensitive despite the positive intentions behind your actions. Your honesty and openness could cause problems if you struggle to find the right balance between telling people what they need to hear and telling them what you want them to hear. During this season, you may feel inclined to see things in a black-or-white manner rather than acknowledging life complexities and the things that we cannot intellectualize or make sense of.

Sagittarius Suns Are Lovers Of Life

Natives born during Sagittarius season are gregarious and have an infectious passion for life. They are more successful in influencing the minds of others because they take pride in their convictions and have a voice that others feel compelled to listen to and believe. Sagittarius Suns often hold philosophical and abstract perceptions that others have not yet thought of to the depth that they do. They see life as something to be explored and are open-minded and expansive in their views. This can limit them from zooming in on one perspective and acknowledging finer details.

They See The Glass As Half Full

The bigger picture and larger meaning are always most important to Sagittarius Suns. Regardless of whether they are religious or spiritual, it is in their nature to seek a view from the mountaintop and to believe that there are deeper meanings to life's happenings. They see the glass as half full, have an all-or-nothing personality, and are inclined to say yes to new opportunities before considering the details of how things will unfold. Their constant focus on the future helps them deal with more space from the troubles they may be dealing with at present.

They’re Inspirational Leaders

Those born during Sagittarius season love to inspire and teach others. However, they are likely to share their opinions without being invited to do so. Their fiery nature can cause them to lead and instruct others, and they may not even be aware of it. Regardless of whether or not they are the boss, their words and will carry an authoritative impact that may rub people the wrong way. Sagittarians are prone to boredom faster than other signs if they aren’t progressing in some way or keeping themselves busy. A staleness in their life, career, or relationships could trigger their need to implement impulsive changes, whether that's traveling, spending, changing their dreams, or exploring new relationships to keep their excitement alive. They simply need things to be happening. Sagittarius natives crave experiences and want stories to tell, meaning they aren’t likely to stay in the same place doing the same thing long after progression has faltered.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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