The Most Empowering Day Of July 2022

July 19 will be the most cosmically active day and empowering day of the month, bringing opportunities for you to be authentic and courageous in the face of opposition. Mercury will enter Leo, and asteroid Chiron will station retrograde in Aries, bringing an extra kick of bold and dynamic fire energy. Later, the Sun will form an intense opposition with Pluto, bringing intensely transformational shifts that will urge you to step into your personal power so that external forces cannot control you. This increase of fire and cardinal energy will turn your focus toward action and initiation — the perfect recipe to undergo dramatic personal growth. Get ready to follow your heart and take accountability for the trajectory of your life!

Follow your heart

Mercury will enter Leo on July 19, boosting your confidence to say exactly how you feel. Expect to feel more playful as Mercury in artistic and confident Leo will spotlight your creative and ambitious ideas, making this the perfect time to fill your free time with activities that you’re passionate about. You may get bored much easier as Mercury is fallen in Leo (in its position of weakness). Mercury — the planet that rules over your mindset and intellect — is analytical, precise, and detail-oriented; Leo — the stubborn fire sign of the zodiac — urges you to follow your heart and take your time with decision-making. Don’t be surprised if people come across as childish, hyper-dramatic when storytelling, or totally disinterested if the topic of conversation isn’t exciting or about themselves. 

Aside from the subtle exaggerations of this transit, Mercury in Leo will bring a lot more laughter and assertiveness to your conversations. You’ll feel inspired to follow your heart when making decisions, even if that leaves you open to bias that others disagree with. This proud and stubborn Leo energy could interfere with your ability to compromise and make peace with people. Pay attention to when you’re resistant to ‘losing’ an argument or are chasing the recognition and respect of being ‘right’ instead of seeking common ground. Your opinionated and fixed nature may prolong disagreements for longer than necessary and repel people from wanting to make amends with you.

Take accountability for your healing

When asteroid Chiron begins its backward move through Aries — the courageous and warrior-like sign of the zodiac — you will feel empowered to tend to the roots of your insecurities and trauma so you can finally overcome the battles and painful memories you are fighting. Whether it’s troubles concerning your self-worth and body image, or confusion around your identity and purpose, now is the time to face your fears and take action to heal your relationship with yourself. From July 19 to December 23 (when Chiron retrograde ends), you may seek professional help to overcome your trauma or actively break your unhealthy habits to adopt a healthier routine that will boost your confidence and happiness.

Prepare for intense challenges

When the Sun in Cancer faces off with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on July 19, you may face difficult situations or relationships that pressure you. This transit may be hard to navigate, but it’s an opportunity for you to demonstrate your growth by working through your instincts to fall back into negative patterns of thought and behavior (such as self-pity, manipulation, and stubbornness). Prepare for frustrating power struggles and unwanted competitors who will urge you to stand in your power, making it difficult for people to assert their dominance over you. However, try not to give in to this game and remember that true power comes from within; there’s no need for you to control others to stop them from controlling you.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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