Your Ruling Planet In Astrology Guides You Toward Your Soul Purpose

Not all planets in your astrological birth chart influence you to the same magnitude but there is one that has a dominating impact on your life path, which is appropriately nicknamed your birth chart ruler or ruling planet. Determining the underlying themes to your most influential and character-building life experiences, your chart ruler describes the background energy that is weaved through all of your most hard-hitting life experiences and depicts the overall flavor of your story. Here’s everything you need to know about your astrological chart ruler.

Where do I find my chart ruler?

Your chart ruler is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign that resides on your astrological 1st house, meaning it is intricately connected to your ascendant (rising sign) and remains the same throughout your life. You will need your full birth details, including an accurate time of birth, to calculate your rising sign and discover your chart ruler. As the planet that governs your rising sign, your chart ruler acts as your guiding compass through life, revealing the best way for you to move forward and the energy on which you fall back during moments of uncertainty. Your ruling planet also speaks to your general outlook on life – whether you are naturally optimistic like a Solarian, pragmatic like a Mercurial, or cynical like Saturnian (more on this later). Revealing your instinctual response and approach to obstacles and opportunities, your chart ruler reflects what holds you back and also where your power is stored.

Is my chart ruler more powerful than my Sun sign?

Your Sun sign, commonly referred to as your star sign, is the zodiacal placement of the Sun in your birth chart, reflecting the cosmic season in which you were born. Describing the nature of your ego, identity, and sense of self, your Sun sign speaks to how you view yourself and who you aspire to be. On the other hand, your chart ruler references your entire life as a whole – the parts already lived and the parts yet to come. As the governing planet of your life path, your chart ruler speaks to your journey and how it shapes you as an individual, which is why this planet and its connection to your rising sign should not be overlooked.

Aries and Scorpio risings

Fuelled by the fires of their impassioned instincts, Aries and Scorpio risings are ruled by irascible Mars – the planet of frustration, motivation, war, and masculine attributes. Their similar life paths are centered around overcoming barriers with great endurance, developing physical and emotional resilience, and learning to assert themselves with the appropriate force. Challenged to pace their energy and control the power unleashed by their sharp defenses and rage, Martians are navigating a journey of permitting themselves to rest, recharge, and relax instead of quitting when life triggers them.

Aries and Scorpio risings are sure to find themselves enthralled in heated competition, whether they are willing participants or not. Their headstrong and confrontational attitudes attract people who challenge their growth and try to one-up their achievements and failures. Their greatest life lessons will come through tests of patience and pressures to cultivate an awareness of the motivations that drive them forward. There is a careful and conscious method to navigating conflict, which Aries and Scorpio risings are integrating in this lifetime. Prone to attracting drama, they must learn that not everything is a winning or losing battle.

Taurus and Libra risings

Romantic, creative, and refined Taurus and Libra are Venusians – ruled by Venus, the planet of partnership, sensuality, values, and priorities. Deeply in tune with their divine feminine attributes, their Venusian rulership is credited to their best qualities – grace, sociability, and charm – making them natural creatives with an alluring aura and energy. Taurus and Libra risings share an effortless ability to attract attention. It’s their elegance and artistry that fuel their ambitions and desire to make life as beautiful and indulgent as possible. Recognized for their taste in luxuries and aesthetics, Taurus and Libra risings take pride in their self-presentation and the appeal and quality of the company they keep.

Molded and shaped by their pleasure-seeing ventures, financial pursuits, and platonic, professional, and amorous partnerships, the life path of a Taurus and Libra rising delivers impactful lessons on love, attachments, and self-confidence. Living in eternal states of gratitude, they manifest opportunities from a space of passion and joy and maintain their appeal to persuade others to do them favors. To love without possessiveness, want without jealousy, own without greed, and care without people-pleasing is their greatest trial that instigates their evolution.

Gemini and Virgo risings

The pursuit of knowledge and the development of skills characterize the life path of Gemini and Virgo risings – both Mercurials. Governed by Mercury – the astrological ruler of intellect, perspective, and communication – Gemini and Virgo risings dazzle the people they meet with their agility, curiosity, and social intelligence. Their penchant for broadening their horizons makes them most appealing to engage with, whether in lighthearted banter and gossip or stimulating debates. Mercurials are masters of decoding and deciphering meaning but must avoid over-intellectualizing their feelings to the point of activating their anxiety and shrouding themselves in a dark cloud of self-judgment.

An endless source of information, Gemini and Virgo risings take pride in having answers, ideas, explanations, and solutions to offer and are prone to insecurity during moments of confusion and obscurity. Their life path teaches them to recognize their power to influence other's minds and to exercise this talent wisely and consciously, positioning themselves as a channel of truth to inform rather than manipulate people. Lessons on adapting to meet others' boundaries and restructuring their delivery to communicate in ways others are most receptive to will elevate their brilliance.

Cancer rising

Soft in energy and strong in intentions, Cancer risings are guided by the illuminating power of the Moon. As a Lunarian, their life path focuses on self-care, cultivating self-trust, and tuning into the deeper callings of the higher self to bring themselves back into equilibrium. The consequences of relying on people or impermanent circumstances to offer them emotional security and safety characterize their struggles. A Lunarian must tend to their central foundations, for it is their unexplored instincts and fluctuating feelings that quietly dictate their reality. Through relationships with feminine and maternal figures, the tribulations that unearth their anxiety, and their own journey through parenthood, they will learn to heal and reparent themselves and nurture their inner child.

Calm, intuitive, and diffident – a Cancer rising’s life path speaks to the journey of upholding personal boundaries to protect their peace. As natural guardians and psychic sponges who soak up the energy of their environment and other people’s sensitivity, they are perceived as a figure of nurturing strength. However, their greatest challenge lies in confronting their attachments and exaggerated sentiments. They must avoid developing an unhealthy dependency on others, clinging to belongings, and allowing old memories to sour the beauty of the present moment. 

Leo rising

Born as children of the Sun – radiant and dramatic Solarians – Leo risings lead with their hearts during their life path centered around the pursuit of rewards and accolades and the impact of not achieving their ambitions. Throughout their journey, Solarians develop immense courage and confidence and face pressures to step into their leadership potential, fanning the flames of their inner fire instead of relying on others for applause and recognition. To know their worth and greatness, a Leo rising must navigate the line between pride and arrogance, never allowing their achievements (or lack thereof) to dictate their value.

To a Solarian, existence should be colorful, theatrical, and joyful. Ruled by the planet of dignity, willpower, fortitude, and egocentricity, a Leo risings life path revolves around sovereignty, self-gratification, and maintaining a positive and playful spirit. They must authorize themselves to live as they wish rather than falling under the dominating thumb of a paternal or masculine figure. The challenge for Leo risings is to steer away from childish, performative, or grandiose behavior. Their most hard-hitting experiences will guide them through the continuous journey of rediscovering who they are and the person they want to be, teaching them not to fix themselves to a singular identity.

Sagittarius and Pisces risings

With generous Jupiter – the planet of growth, wealth, wisdom, and aspiration – as their planet of rulership, Sagittarius and Pisces risings have an infectious and inspired energy and deep appreciation for life. They are optimistic dreamers, motivational and romantic speakers, and stand strong in their moral principles. With spiritual Jupiter guiding their life path, the pressure is on Sagittarius and Pisces risings to draw deeper meaning from their lived experiences – their compass is their intuition and positive core self-evaluations. They must seize opportunities to enrich their lives and expand their horizons through education, travel, and exposing themselves to new cultural experiences that will help them attune their minds to higher truths.

The more a Jupiterian learns, the less they truly know, as one understanding does little to satisfy their hungry minds. As naturals in focusing on the bigger picture and attracting lucky opportunities, Jupiterians are most committed to the longer journey of growth and self-development – though their ambitions may be more of an ideal and fantasy rather than a grounded plan. Their challenge in life, however, is to be a humble teacher and guide and to be wholeheartedly themselves. Every time a Jupiterian relies on exaggerations to make their point or inflate their knowledge and capabilities, they abandon their truth and their soul. Interactions that put their unconscious judgments, dogmatic attitudes, and illogical contradictions on full display will facilitate their growth.

Capricorn and Aquarius risings

Capricorn and Aquarius risings are ambitious high achievers who take on some of the most psychologically intense and isolating challenges. Born Saturnians with their life path under the governance of Saturn – the overseer of karma, discipline, responsibility, and restriction – they take life seriously and persevere through the harshest conditions, making them most consistent, ambitious, mature, and self-accountable. The life path of a Capricorn and Aquarius rising concerns the legacy they are building and navigating their fears of not doing enough or running out of time to make something of themselves. As their own worst critics, they may seem inherently dissatisfied with their efforts despite their glowing success that was a long time in the making.

Delays, rejections, and restrictions that prevent Saturnians from getting what they want force them to remain strong without allowing life’s brutal teachings to harden them completely. Because they are so used to transmuting their burdens into power, hard insight, and wisdom, their practical perspective on life can cause them to become blunt, cold, or cynical. However, the stoic Capricorn and Aquarius rising mustn’t believe that something is wrong with them because struggles are deeply ingrained in their journey. When their leadership skills are tested, Saturnians must learn to take on positions of authority well, steering away from demanding and unrealistic expectations and punishment, and toward bailing people out of trouble and writing just rules.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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