The New Moon In Scorpio Brings Intense Shake-Ups To Challenge Your Personal Goals

A cosmic reset is underway under the new moon in Scorpio, inviting you to sail ahead with a healthier emotional landscape and total clarity. Having cleared through the deeper feelings stored in your psyche, filling the dark space with love and a conscious awareness of your shadows, you have matured immensely in preparation for this renewal on November 13, 2023. There’s a new challenge in your wake as the new moon in Scorpio connects with Mars – the brazen ruling planet of this lunation – and stands off in a tense opposition with change-influencing Uranus. Will you remember all that the universe has taught you and everything you have overcome when a new opportunity and ambitious idea dangles in front of your eyes? When your power-hungry compulsions are awakened and the urge to be ruthless to get what you want is all too tempting, will you remember the person you are trying to become and allow your highest self to guide you? Read on for a deeper analysis of the new moon.

Mars dominates this new moon

Feeling passionate, determined, and assertive, you are paving a new way forward under the Scorpio new moon as the cosmos energizes your most powerful instincts. Your physical and emotional energies are aligned as the Sun and Moon join forces in a tight embrace, or conjunction, in controlled Scorpio, only a short distance from Mars. However, Mars – the ruler of action, momentum, competition, and impatience – is scorched by its closeness to the new moon, warning you about increasing feelings of selfishness, entitlement, and aggression that are fuelled by fear. Your ego takes to the spotlight as the universe challenges you to find balance and ground into a new awareness of what triggers your disruptive shadows. This is not the time to dangerously race ahead but to lean toward stable and steady progression, acting with caution as you assess your motivations, hidden desires, and the damage that an insatiable hunger for success can cause.

Uranus nudges you out of your comfort zone

Expect to face internal dilemmas around the goals you are committing to and the feelings that fuel them as Uranus stares down the new moon from its position in grounded Taurus. Assess whether your raging shadows have taken hold of the fire of your ambition and re-examine your urges to transform your reality. The Uranian essence of this new moon brings an air of volatility that is well within your ability to manage, thanks to Uranus’ retrograde nature that dilutes this stormy cosmic weather. Instead of racing ahead or lashing out with a single-minded focus that shuts you off from new possibilities, Uranus challenges your ability to maintain self-control; you don’t need to set your life ablaze and restructure all of your existing plans to claim this new beginning.

Focus on yourself

As you are jolted into action by unexpected shifts in your environment, your mind is clearing, leaving little room for excuses as Neptune retrograde in Pisces reaches out to the Scorpio new moon. Called to confront your pent-up feelings in a new way, you are addressing arising truths as the universe strips back the self-delusions and lies that have shrouded you. Urging you to tap into your intuition and explore your emotional depths and sensitivity with a stronger awareness, the new moon in Scorpio aids you in processing your instinctual resistance to sudden life changes and your attachment to your goals that are aligned in the wrong frequency – like suspicion, anger, competitiveness, and revenge.

Thankfully, an optimistic light lingers in the background of the new moon's energy as Mercury, now transiting big-picture-thinking Sagittarius, makes gentle contact with Venus in Libra to guide you toward meaningful passions and desires. Activating your aspirational thinking, the universe asks you to focus on your greater ambitions and purpose. Ponder over what you are working toward and the connection between today's actions and where they will lead in the future, and keep looking forward. This may not be the ideal time to clear the air with others with the risk of conversations spiraling into confrontations, but it is the perfect opportunity to focus on yourself and your personal growth.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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