Virgo 2023 Tarot Reading & Guidance: Release Your Mental Burdens & Transform Your Perspective
Your Tarot Card: 10 Of Swords
Break the boundary in 2023, Virgo. This year requires you to let go of mental burdens and liberate yourself into boundless new ways of thinking about your services to the world. Use your mental magician power, to serve you best and don’t hold onto a master plan. Flirt with the freedom of not knowing and follow your kinesthetic response to the next best move.
Deep in the back of your mind, you may have been craving a space oddity trip into the unknown to expose your implusic heart-navigated desires to give you direction. By doing so, you will magnetize yourself to the infinite matches, pairings, and partnerships that you (in all your organizational efforts) have strived for. Be bold, delete penciled plans, and take an adventure. Traveling and shaking things up will pay off big time in your expansion this year, and don’t worry, you can make a PowerPoint presentation on the great escape of being out of the box when you get back.
Your theme song for 2023: ‘Keep Moving’ by Jungle